Example sentences of "for every [noun] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To ease my conscience , for every parking I bought an indoor pot plant , so that by now we have a veritable jungle growing along all the window sills , crawling up the walls and wrapping their tendrils around the television set .
2 The senator was seemingly prepared for every difficulty I raised .
3 Oh , I wish I had a two-pound coin for every toilet I 've burst into , hissing at myself : ‘ Stoppit will you for Godsake you 're forty years old will you stoppit STOPPIT GROW UP YOU BERK I am not crying I am NOT GOING to give them the satisfaction — waaaagh ! ! ’
4 I packed you up in your painted form as I have done for every move I have made since the Summer Exhibition , and we travelled down to Bodmin together , you and I — ’
5 He said ‘ The one thing that keeps me going is knowing that for every step I take and every pound donated we are one step nearer to finding a cure . ’
6 I have to fight for every penny I get , I 've no assistants , no commercial sponsorship , and I 'm always last in line for equipment and computer time . ’
7 I had to account for every penny I spent , but he never told me what he was spending .
8 ‘ I work , and darned hard , for every penny I receive ! ’
9 If I do n't , I think she might sue me for every penny I have .
10 I remember I got two shillings ( ten pence ) for every neck I put right .
11 I wish I had a pound for every time I 'd been asked that .
12 ‘ My dear , dear fellow , if I had a lira for every time I 've heard that story … well … ’
13 I wish I had a pound for every time I have denied holding a meeting with the T & g .
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