Example sentences of "for well over a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They know what it 's like to stand on both sides of the competitive fence and have now been involved with the sport for well over a decade , first as top international competitions and then as manager and coach of the national team .
2 He quickly engineered the overthrow of the Conservative and Anglican majorities on the town council and the school board and put in place a political machine which carried all before it for well over a decade .
3 Some of these engines ran for well over a century before being discarded , and particularly fine and huge specimens can be found operating at the Kew steam engine museum .
4 The brewery is unique in many respects , especially as a result of the outstanding beauty of its buildings , pond and meticulously maintained surroundings , this being due in no small part to the fact that it has remained in the hands of the Arkell family for well over a century .
5 For well over a century the design has been available whilst in 1909 the Science Museum , for example , acquired the example to be seen in the Computing Then and Now gallery , purchasing the cheaper of the two production models made by Messrs Newton and Co. and fully described in the firm 's literature Stratton 's brainchild differs from the Newton model only in having the second pendulum attached to the pen instead of hanging below the main pendulum under the table .
6 FOR good or ill , D'Oyly Carte has meant Gilbert and Sullivan for well over a century .
7 P Cygni , in the Swan , flared up from obscurity to magnitude 3 in 1600 , and then declined ; for well over a century now it has hovered around the fifth magnitude , easy to estimate with binoculars .
8 In the United Kingdom the attitude to testing has been more ambivalent , although examinations and tests have played an important part in British education for well over a century .
9 Government grants to local authorities have now been paid for well over a century .
10 Cotherstone cheese has been discreetly celebrated for well over a century .
11 This riles the anthropologists because theorizing about the rules governing mating between close kin has been a major anthropological preoccupation for well over a century .
12 Russian statesmen were therefore often badly informed about the politics of the outside world ; and though in 1672 there was an effort to compile for their guidance an official manual of the available information about foreign states this was not published for well over a century .
13 Such sentiments are indeed understandable in a country where for well over a century the operatic tradition had been dominated by foreigners .
14 This went on for well over a month , with the owls flying free in the barn , until we were sure they were confident and happy in their surroundings .
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