Example sentences of "for which he [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Towards the end of his life he was an enthusiastic supporter of British involvement in the war of 1914–18 , for which he made recruiting speeches .
2 A man was a shareholder in a manufacturing company for which he wished to increase the overdraft facility .
3 It is important , therefore , to see that the kind of revolution for which he calls does not entail the acceptance of his whole philosophy .
4 The type of mission for which he had trained so long at the camp , for which he had endured so many indignities .
5 The type of mission for which he had trained so long at the camp , for which he had endured so many indignities .
6 He realised it had only been a bait for which he had fallen .
7 The case went to the House of Lords , where Hill won the £1 damages for which he had asked , with costs .
8 He wished to be advised about the possibility of seeking compensation for an assault by his neighbour , for which he had received hospital treatment .
9 Speaking to the press , Jurkans defended his policy of maintaining good relations with Russia , for which he had received criticism during the debate on the vote of no confidence .
10 Cézanne died in 1906 with the feeling of only partially having achieved the end for which he had striven so long and hard .
11 Even in his adopted country Jones failed to receive the command for which he had hoped , but , returning to Europe , did succeed in becoming Kontradmiral Pavel Ivanovich Jones , in the Russian navy .
12 But then , a week later , she had a visit from a strange man enquiring for her father , and who , after being told of his demise , informed her he had been asked to sell the property for which he had felt able to assure her father he would get a good price , seeing that land around was scarce .
13 Clearly , the farmer had been supplied with a coupling which was not reasonably fit for the purpose for which he had indicated he wanted it .
14 The directorship , for which he had struggled for years , represented to her only a house in Vanier Heights .
15 For either he had to obtain another document for which he had to apply to the court and would be given by its clerk .
16 This balance , for which he had worked hard and long , he allowed to be destroyed by overreaction to the relatively minor financial crisis of August 1931 .
17 The defendants called rail workers out on strike and the plaintiff , an ordinary traveller , incurred hotel expenses when he was unable to travel on the journey for which he had bought a ticket .
18 In 1981 Surridge became a genial and hearty president of the club for which he had taken 464 wickets ( 29.64 ) and 360 catches ( 58 in 1952 and 56 in 1955 ) and scored 3697 runs ( 13.02 ) .
19 It was like seeing the lock for which he had carried around the key , year after ignorant year .
20 Ewan Murray , the Games council 's chairman , said cost was not a factor in selecting the team , but only 15 athletes achieved the stringent qualifying standards set down by the Scottish Amateur Athletic Associaton — and one , Allister Hutton , is not going to Auckland because he wished to run in the 10,000 metres instead of the marathon , for which he had qualified .
21 Reporters are proverbially heavy drinkers , and it took a few bottles of bonhomie with Johnny Smart before Charles could actually get down to the business for which he had come .
22 In the cafe she found Fosdyke nursing a malt whisky ( 'Kept for me specially by Carlo because I was once able to do him a favour' ) and the children occupied with a Space Invader machine for which he had advanced them hundred lire pieces .
23 An Australian Broadcasting Tribunal investigation into Mr Bond 's eligibility to own television stations declared him ‘ not fit and proper ’ and growing stock market unease was accentuated by the disclosure that Mr Bond was trying to sell Van Gogh 's Irises , for which he had paid a record $54million but which had been partially funded by the auctioneer .
24 Four years before his death , Chief Joseph had expressed the lifelong wish for which he had fought so persistently and waited so patiently :
25 When offered the leadership for which he had fought so hard , Law almost lost It by his apparent doubt ; in his speech of acceptance he spoke at length of his unfitness for the job ; when told that he was now a great man and must learn to behave like one , he replied " If ! am a great man , then a good many great men must have been frauds . "
26 He was all for England 's democracy and against any form of union with Wales , Scotland , Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man , for which he seemed to have a particular dislike as " a nucleus of Celtic imagery " .
27 It was after this that Vere Barker , his rather grand agent , helped him to get the house in Hampstead and began to up his fees even for radio — for which he continued to work — poems , plays , schools radio , £10 , £12 , £20 sometimes : it all totted up .
28 " East Coker " was published in the Easter 1940 number of the New English Weekly , the journal for which he continued to write signed articles and anonymous editorials .
29 First , the buyer has to make known to the seller , expressly or by implication , the purpose for which he intends to use the goods .
30 To do this he must assure himself that , on the day he is nominated as a candidate , he is 21 years of age or over , a British subject or a citizen of the Irish Republic and either that his name is on the register of electors in the local government area for which he intends to stand as a candidate , or that he has resided in the area ( or , in the case of a parish or community , within three miles of the area ) for a period of one year , or that he has occupied as owner or tenant land in the area for one year , or that his principal or only place of work has been in the area for one year .
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