Example sentences of "for the last five years " in BNC.

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1 For the last five years , a good friend of mine has suffered from panic attacks .
2 ‘ Sir David has been attempting to tell his son the facts of life for the last five years .
3 ‘ I think that if he touched the electric fence when it was on , he 'd be frightened to death and we 'd never get near him again , ’ says Penny Stevens , his groom for the last five years .
4 ‘ You 're a bloody good photographer and the work you 've been doing for the last five years proves it .
5 ‘ I have been a car park season ticket holder for the last five years , during which the cost has risen from about 20 pence to £150 per day . ’
6 He and his aunt have contrived with some skill to avoid their neighbours ’ cutlets for the last five years .
7 The magazine carries an interview with the Princess 's favourite clairvoy ant , Irish psychic Betty Palko , of Surbiton , Surrey , who has given Diana spiri tualist sessions for the last five years .
8 I did n't know that Ben had been following me around for the last five years !
9 Based out of their menswear shop , The Depot , in Birmingham 's Piccadilly Street , for the last five years , the Ryans and partner Lee Garrick have organised regular excursions to Nottingham 's Venus , small , friendly boat parties ( including one memorable all-nighter in London 's Docklands and their regular Xmas fancy dress jaunt in Worcestershire ) , and high quality one-off events for bigger crowds .
10 For the last five years I 've been doing this series , for the last 12 months sharing it with Ed Douglas , and in all that time there 's been the rain .
11 The proportion of lone-parent families has remained fairly steady at 14 percent for the last five years ( OPCS , 1988 ) .
12 For the last five years , Fortran has led a very quiet life , so quiet in fact the launch of new Fortran specifications two years ago , called Fortran90 , has pretty much gone unnoticed even by Fortran users .
13 Raima UK is likely to be joint-owned by the two companies , and is said by Systemstar 's David Turley to be ‘ the inevitable consequence of our selling the product for the last five years ’ .
14 For the last five years Fortran has led a very quiet life , so quiet in fact the launch of new Fortran specifications two years ago , called Fortran90 , have pretty much gone unnoticed even by Fortran users .
15 It was adopted as an ISO standard back in 1986 , and has led something of a ghostly existence in the commercial market ever since , hovering on the boundaries of document interoperability solutions for the last five years .
16 Sarah Thomas had been Philpott 's secretary for the last five years .
17 Total seizures of cocaine ( including crack ) for the last five years available ( together with comparable figures for heroin ) in kilograms are :
18 Erm then you know that would be something whereas if they say well the recession 's so bad we have n't taken anybody for the last five years and your researches ca n't unearth anybody who seems to be prepared to er give you even half a chance then I mean
19 Volkov had been written off for the last five years .
20 For the last five years Volkov has been drinking himself to death .
21 Andrew 's wife , Abi , a former production manager , has been a freelance photographer for the last five years .
22 But you 've got to make a mental leap , because I mean for the last five years , things have been pretty horrible , since eighty seven really , I mean we 've only had the pick up in the last year .
23 Additionally , for the last five years a history is kept aggregating the number of days absence by type of absence .
24 The whole festival is heavily dependent on sponsorship and for the last five years it has successfully attracted and maintained a number of business sponsors both locally and nationally .
25 The newly appointed Governor of Hong Kong , Chris Patten , delivered his first policy statement on Oct. 7 at the opening of the 1992-93 session of the Legislative Council ( Legco ) , setting out the political agenda for the last five years of British rule in Hong Kong before its handover to China in 1997 .
26 On the British Army 's most wanted list for the last five years and you still have the nerve to sit here in the middle of Belfast . ’
27 The implication of any figure , indeed the County Council 's figure for the last five years of the structure plan , could be characterized as putting the brakes on so hard , that the passengers all fall off the train .
28 And for the last five years he had been doing just that .
29 ‘ We 've been financially solvent for the last five years , and the surplus has all been allocated to the new production of The Count of Luxembourg .
30 of state therefore explain why in England it 's prof possible to get a straight answer from the Secretary of State with the figures of the S S A for the last five years , for this year and for next year and it 's not possible to get that for Wales either from the Home Secretary or from the honourable gentl right honourable gentleman .
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