Example sentences of "for their [noun] [prep] this " in BNC.

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2 We are very grateful to staff and candidates of the seven centres for their help in this work .
3 Gradually they enlist the help of the Thals , persuading them to overcome their pacifist lifestyle and to fight for their share of this planet .
4 That is a thoroughly unsatisfactory way of calling our Heads of Government and that Council to democratic account for their actions to this House and to our people .
5 Others among them may form consistently unfortunate or unhappy heterosexual relationships without realising the true reason for their failures in this area ; for these , realisation of their homosexual needs and urges could be a step towards release from a heterosexual bondage .
6 And Blackburn are desperately fighting for their lives in this league cup competition .
7 I am particularly grateful to Richard Radnor and Clare Dugdale for their work on this .
8 It was Molly , of course , who introduced Medau work in the Special Needs sector and she has been followed by a number of our teachers who all deserve recognition for their work in this field .
9 They get little or no publicity for their efforts in this area — quite deliberately .
10 Outside the chamber , they are asked constantly for their views on this or that issue .
11 ‘ They 're playing for their futures at this club , ’ he said .
12 Sir Keith made it clear that the membership of the two new committees would comprise ‘ persons nominated by the Secretary of State for their fitness for this particular important responsibility ’ .
13 Pavlov , Thorndike and Skinner are particularly well known for their research in this field of psychology , though Pavlov himself was a physiologist .
14 The deadline for their acceptance of this Act was Bartholomew 's Day , August 24th 1662 , when 2,000 of the most godly pastors in the land refused to subscribe and were consequently ejected from their ministries .
15 The voucher holders , who also hold a gold card , will be queueing up at Roker Park for their tickets throughout this week .
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