Example sentences of "for a [noun sg] he have " in BNC.

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1 He had even experienced it himself once or twice , particularly while doing the outline plans for a church he had designed as part of a new mixed-density , mixed-income neighbourhood scheme , which had been well reviewed in the journals .
2 Displaying remarkable maturity for a 22-year-old he has emerged in the last 18 months as the game 's outstanding personality , a player blessed with the full range of skills , someone with an unflappable temperament to match .
3 For a while he had thought that his masturbating friends all had VD and that it was a dollop of pus coming out when they pulled at themselves .
4 For a while he had stood there at his side studying how he worked , how he soaked the garments and slapped them rhythmically against the smooth stone slabs .
5 For a year he had neither seen her nor permitted her name to be spoken in his hearing .
6 Since 1770 there was a brewer selling ale near an oak tree in the parish , but for a century he had only the company of a blacksmith and a boot and shoe maker .
7 The winter of his second year of university he began to do some special research on the Gulf for a project he 'd been assigned .
8 He won that actually on appeal because he said he needed to raise the funds for a project he 'd got in mind and they allowed him twenty eight days in the first year , he now carries on fourteen days without planning permission every year , but give him credit he does run it very well , er and you can not fault him , but we in our area do actually issue licences , you can not have a car boot sale or market stall without a licence and I personally have run the charity markets in er the village high street and got a licence at the cost of a pound .
9 If the plaintiff has been unable to work at all up to the date of the trial , his loss will be the entire net remuneration which he would have earned ; if for a period he has been able to earn something , but not as much as he would have earned had he not been injured , his loss for that period will be the net difference between what he has earned and what he would otherwise have earned .
10 A cluster of keys which they 'd never found doors to fit ; instruction documents for a blender he 'd burned out making midnight margaritas ; a plastic bottle of massage oil .
11 Next morning , after a 9.15 breakfast , he discussed with Jones his ideas for a speech he had to make in a few weeks ' time at a Literary Fund dinner .
12 An English statesman arrived for a feast he had arranged between the Jews present as guests and the Arabs who were their hosts .
13 For a moment he had seen it clearly ; himself and Grainne in the Sun Chamber ; he had seen as well the child , the dark-haired creature of life and light and mischief …
14 For a moment he had thought …
15 It was not like Karr to use his privilege so crudely and for a moment he had been concerned by his friend 's behaviour .
16 But for a moment he had almost laughed .
17 For a moment he had second thoughts .
18 This led to the murder of a shop owner and the next thing that happened , was , Imamu found himself in court on trial for a murder he had not committed .
19 An earlier hero , in The Black Prince ( 1973 ) , is a failed writer who creatively fulfils himself only in the enforced loneliness of a prison cell when he is convicted for a murder he has not committed .
20 After watching this film I have overthrown an ideal I have cherished and protected against every attack for more than 30 years : that in no circumstances should a man be murdered by conscious decision of the State in revenge for a murder he has himself committed .
21 My noble and learned friend , Lord Templeman , at pp. 121–122 , also referred to the minister 's speech , although possibly only by way of support for a conclusion he had reached on other grounds .
22 Fergus had not been aware of the precise moment when the Lad of the Skins drew his soul from his body with the Knife of Light , but he had known a great coldness , and a sense of desolation , and an abandonment so complete that it had overwhelmed him , and for a time he had scarcely been aware of what was happening .
23 On transferring his official residence from Burgos to Madrid , in October , Franco " toured the Sierra de Guadarrama , looking for a place he had already seen during the war " in which he planned to locate his war memorial .
24 Vic Wilcox asks Brian Everthorpe to stay for a meeting he has arranged with his technical and production managers .
25 For a start he 'd given up being a hippie , which must have been a relief to the Fish , not only professionally but because it meant the Fish could play Charlie soul records — Otis Redding and all — the only music he liked .
26 For a start he has to find a receptive female — not always easy with animals as solitary and spread about the forest as orangs .
27 The fact that the Queen was pro-German would have been particularly hurtful to the Emperor personally , for only he had not succumbed to the general enthusiasm for a war he had never wanted and for which he feared the country was ill-prepared .
28 Then he saw that the movement was a mere craning of the neck because for an instant he had obstructed her view of the screen .
29 For an instant he had liked what he had seen , and the knowledge brought a shiver that raised the fine hairs on her flesh .
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