Example sentences of "for a [noun] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cricket and Empire started life as film research commissioned by David Puttnam for a film on Bodyline that was never made — losing out to the unintentionally funny Australian TV mini-series many readers will remember from the early 1980s : ‘ David wanted me to find the ‘ smoking gun ’ .
2 They rested for a second on Todger , who was doing his best to look cherubic , then on Evelyn .
3 The Chiefs of Staff took the unusual step of going down to the Royal Naval College , Greenwich , in the late spring of 1952 , where they worked for a fortnight on Churchill 's requirement with their principal scientific and technological advisers , free from the day-to-day hubbub of Whitehall .
4 ‘ We 're having some people in for a drink on Sunday .
5 I said , I said do you wan na go out for a drink on Wednesday ?
6 He had been doing voluntary work for young people , and they used to enjoy going dancing and out to a club for a drink on Saturday nights .
7 In every other respect , the manoeuvres will mimic what would happen during World War III , adding a novel experience for anyone out for a drive on Sunday afternoon during a practice run .
8 Furthermore , the Russian right wing had recently been reinforced by a new army , the Ninth , which had been raised for a drive on Berlin but was instead deployed against Austria .
9 By the rime Ho had been released by the Chinese in September 1943 the US was beginning to make its major contribution to the war against Japan and various strategies were being considered for a drive on Canton or Hanoi .
10 The ‘ chair ’ , hoping to break the sequence ( and to discourage Amanda ) asked for a question on art .
11 One is to see if adventurous buying , lavish displays and good service ( which includes opening until 7pm and for a half-day on Sunday ) will galvanise the public .
12 At each locality which he visited , people brought cattle to him for a decision on ownership .
13 Cheeky Paula produced a sprig of mistletoe and asked for a peck on Channel 4 's Big Breakfast Show .
14 He had even won a writing prize while in prison for a story on Joplin 's last days .
15 AT LONG last we have a newspaper that will speak up for a referendum on Maastricht .
16 He also appeared to call for a referendum on Maastricht — against Government policy .
17 The more radical nationalist Catalan Republican Left ( ERC ) , led by Angel Colom , won 11 seats with 8 per cent ( six and 4.1 per cent in 1988 ) , on a platform calling for a referendum on independence for Catalonia and the other autonomous regions .
18 Both Democratic Russia and the Republican Party were planning to start a petition for a referendum on land privatization ( for formation of pro-government bloc see p. 39020 ) .
19 The opposition was calling for Dudayev 's resignation and for a referendum on Chechnia 's remaining part of Russia .
20 In June the Cabinet approved a plan for a referendum on Oct. 29 , 1990 , on the issues of universal suffrage and the proposed establishment of a second chamber in the Fono .
21 SCOTS are being asked to pay 50p each to help a drive for a referendum on Scotland 's future .
22 By mid-February opponents of the government 's privatization law , narrowly approved by Congress with Colorado support in late September 1991 , had successfully gathered the 12,000 signatures constitutionally required to continue their campaign for a referendum on privatization .
23 Grandmasters were a little surprised by Yusupov 's decision to surrender his bishop for a knight on move 22 , but the resulting position never looked like ending in anything other than a draw .
24 In Attorney-General v. Wilts United Dairies Ltd. , 37 T.L.R. 884 , the defendants resisted an unlawful demand for a levy on milk purchased by them under a licence granted by the Food Controller .
25 SHOPPERS at Bordon 's new Somerfield store were in for a surprise on Saturday , when the supermarket staged a Disney fancy dress competition .
26 Ward was dismissed in the fourth minute of Saints ' 12-8 Regal Trophy quarter-final defeat by Castleford on Saturday for a trip on Mike Ford .
27 Seeing an ad for a secretary on Oz she went along .
28 Instead , he settled for a stint on air with the local radio station and said : ‘ It 's all very frustrating .
29 Travelling with the two sergeants is a back up team from RAF Hereford … they 're job is to make sure they stay on course and on time for a finish on Friday afternoon
30 Also on Aug. 6 Israel announced the establishment of another new settlement , Eshkolot , in the West Bank , thereby rejecting US and international appeals for a freeze on settlement activity in the period prior to the conference .
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