Example sentences of "to which he [vb -s] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The disturbing thing about this letter to Arthur Greeves is the extent to which he does not see that the remedy proposed sounds all too like the disorder he wishes to eliminate .
2 Although the principle of taqiyah — dissimulation — does make it perfectly possible for a Muslim to pretend to assume a religion to which he does not really belong .
3 The attendant fuss which comes with his being the most likely American to succeed this week is not something to which he takes readily .
4 While Shatov expounds and disputes ardently , and incidentally takes a lot of good- and God-focused material off the shoulders of the notebook Stavrogin ( ‘ ‘ Shatov must be tied up before you can argue with him , ' ’ Stepan Verkhovensky sometimes joked' ) , only to Kirillov can it be said and is it said , ‘ you have n't swallowed an idea , but an idea has swallowed you ’ — to which he responds delightedly with ‘ That 's good .
5 There are two parts of his life to which he devotes a great deal of space , and to which he returns again and again .
6 He uses already mastered words in new combinations to which he has not hitherto been exposed , and responds to such combinations appropriately as well .
7 He certainly engages in speculation as to what might have happened but treats it as such , continually emphasising that multiple interpretations of the data are possible , that there are many important matters to which he has not had access and that only limited and tentative conclusions may be drawn .
8 But whether an inexperienced schoolboy can be all right after the type of traumatic experience to which he has just been subjected I would not care to say .
9 His interruptions therefore coincide with his rejection of the principles of politeness to which he has hitherto adhered quite consistently .
10 And the fact of George Carey 's criticism of massive pay rises to top bosses , and his sermon on the social responsibilities of wealth creation , is of concern to those bosses and wealth ‘ creators ’ because remarks that would have been unexceptional from other quarters came from the head of the established church — a case of the upstart vicar from Barking not yet fully appreciating the nature of his role within the establishment to which he has only recently secured entry .
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