Example sentences of "to which he [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On 1 September 1613 Elsynge was granted the reversion of the office of clerk of the parliaments , to which he succeeded on Bowyer 's death on 15 March 1621 .
2 In view of the consternation which Khrushchev 's policies aroused in the Party itself , his eventual deposition is less striking than the degree to which he succeeded in imposing his will on a reluctant leadership .
3 Let us make a careful assessment of the extent to which he succeeded in defending a rationalist position .
4 This obstinate refusal to be a conformist explains not only the difficulties of integration that Nizan experienced within the party , but also — and this needs stressing — underlines the extent to which he succeeded in retaining intellectual autonomy and integrity within the party itself .
5 Lutyens had been struck by the emphasis she had placed on the word — and on her choice of it ; chaste was not a word Miss Jekyll usually employed when planning her gardens , and Lutyens bore it in mind throughout — hence the austerity to which he adhered on the terraces .
6 Section 33(3) requires the court to have regard to all the circumstances of the case and in particular to : ( a ) the length of , and the reasons for , the delay on the part of the plaintiff ; ( b ) the extent to which , having regard to the delay , the evidence adduced or likely to be adduced by the plaintiff or the defendant is or is likely to be less cogent than if the action had been brought within the time allowed by s11 or ( as the case may be ) by s12 ; ( c ) the conduct of the defendant after the cause of action arose , including the extent ( if any ) to which he responded to requests reasonably made by the plaintiff for information or inspection for the purpose of ascertaining facts which were or might be relevant to the plaintiff 's cause of action against the defendant ; ( d ) the duration of any disability of the plaintiff arising after the date of the accrual of the cause of action ; ( e ) the extent to which the plaintiff acted promptly and reasonably once he knew whether or not the act or omission of the defendant , to which the injury was attributable , might be capable at that time of giving rise to an action for damages ; ( f ) the steps , if any , taken by the plaintiff to obtain medical , legal or other expert advice and the nature of any such advice he may have received .
7 His position — the position , indeed , to which he clung throughout the long controversy — is made clear in his reply to the Staufer and in the early letters of the register .
8 Neither of these assignments nor his cure in a new church in Oxford , St Aloysius , to which he returned with high hopes , was conspicuously successful , although the Oxford stay resulted in another burst of lyricism , including ‘ Duns Scotus 's Oxford ’ and ‘ Binsey Poplars ’ .
9 On that day the invitation was sent to William of Orange , James 's nephew and son-in-law , in response to which he landed in England to restore its liberties .
10 Erle returned to Dorset a few years later to become a ship-money refuser and to head the poll in the county election of March 1640 ; but he resigned the seat to George Digby , second Earl of Bristol [ q.v. ] , and served for Lyme Regis in the Short Parliament , to which he reported on innovations in religion .
11 In 1931 Eliot reviewed Middleton Murry 's biographical study of Lawrence and went on to read Lawrence 's letters , to which he referred in 1933 .
12 The church and state broadcasts to which he referred in his next letter were noteworthy as containing one of his own , of which I thought highly .
13 Will my hon. Friend confirm that the state of affairs to which he referred in Wolverhampton has continued for about 10 years now ?
14 When will the tendering process be opened for the craft to which he referred in his statement ?
15 Their daughter Mary was born at Linlithgow , of which her father was also fond and to which he fled after defeat by the English at Solway Moss , before going on to Falkland in the wooded heartland of Fife .
16 Barron bought forty acres for a nursery site in nearby Borrowash , to which he moved from Elvaston in 1865 .
17 One particular incident which sticks in my mind which brought home to me how ill he was occurred when my mother sent me one morning to ask my father what he wanted for breakfast , to which he replied in a very vague and confused manner " hen mush " ( the term we gave to the vegetable matter we cooked up for the chickens ) .
18 At the end of the news conference Mr Levy was asked a question in Hebrew , to which he replied in the same language ; there was no translation , and Mr Hurd was forced to summon a member of the British Embassy staff to translate .
19 He was unmarried and lived in a superlatively untidy one-room flat quite near the lab , to which he travelled by bicycle .
20 From this modest start in 1905 the publication developed into a highly respected and widely read quarterly magazine which Ayliffe edited and to which he contributed until 1947 .
21 He became a medical missionary and came to Madeira in 1838 , arriving in the island at a time of great social and economic crisis , to which he reacted by opening schools and a hospital where he dispensed free treatment .
22 The place from which he rose and to which he descended at the limits of earth and Underworld was the primeval ocean , from where he had emerged , which was the god Nun , the father of the gods .
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