Example sentences of "to his [noun] and go " in BNC.

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1 Why could n't he simply accept that she was not about to defer to his wishes and go ?
2 This reminded him that it was nearly time for church , so he heaved himself to his feet and went to make some more coffee , this time for Mrs Frizzell as well .
3 He shook his head in despair then got to his feet and went to open the door .
4 Mr Bumble jumped to his feet and went to the other end of the room .
5 Maltote staggered to his feet and went down to relieve himself in the necessary house .
6 To her surprise he jerked to his feet and went over to the video machine and yanked the cassette out without rewinding it .
7 ‘ Eddy ! ’ said Dyson , scrambling to his feet and going across to Eddy 's desk .
8 Her efforts did not escape Harry 's notice and when the dance ended , he excused himself to his partner and went across to her side .
9 They milled around and tidied him up to his satisfaction and went on their way singing :
10 On his last leave before sailing he had said his goodbyes to his mother and gone out but , stopping at the gate , turned and gone back in again , leaving with her his signet ring and pocket watch .
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