Example sentences of "to their [noun pl] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Companies told the Financial Times that ‘ much of the opposition to their plans is ill-informed and orchestrated by outsiders .
2 The loyalty of these horses to their masters is legendary .
3 The militants were tempted to think that the door to their ambitions was ajar .
4 Clearly the existence of this sub-committee indicates many other , unminuted , meetings had taken place , and even the architect and contractor already appear to have been briefed , for they were reported to be at work , although the references in the minutes to their activities are unhelpful in pin-pointing what stage they were at .
5 Whether it will bring a smile to their faces is another matter .
6 The Nicaraguan government explains that this immediate involvement of the rural population and the huge changes and challenges which literacy brought to their lives is one of the main reasons that the revolution has been sustained .
7 Nevertheless , the range of environmental heterogeneity in the tropics from the foot of the Andes to their peaks is greater spatially than in temperate regions , even if the environment in temperate regions varies greatly temporally .
8 ‘ Basically under the regulations , those businesses which charge VAT to their customers are entitled to reclaim the VAT which they pay on stock and goods .
9 Data from the GHS indicates that the time devoted by carers to their tasks is considerable ( Table 8.4 ) .
10 The columns of men that splintered from the Kitchen to their huts were first frozen still , then drawn in concert to where the lights were brilliant , where the knees hung between the blackness and the snow .
11 Equally loyal and effective was the Lady-in-Waiting , the Duchess de Bassano , whose husband was Grand Chamberlain of the Court , and whose devotion to their sovereigns was such that they followed them into exile , remaining faithful unto death .
12 Although some traces , such as scratch marks , can be attributed to arthropods ( or perhaps the related anomalocariids ) , in general tying traces to their makers is difficult .
13 The undue power of committee chairmen in relation to their colleagues was more of a problem in the House than in the Senate , but in the latter a system of legislative norms or folkways made possible dominance of the proceedings by leading members of the Senate inner club or establishment .
14 What to linguists using purely linguistic criteria might be two different languages , or two closely related dialects , may to their speakers be two dialects of the same language , or two different languages respectively .
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