Example sentences of "to be [adv] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 The Blumler report lists a few breaches of the rules of coverage during the experiment , but , proportionately , very few indeed , and Members seem to be broadly happy that the cameras have respected the rules .
2 He was sure it had been there every night since , and Mrs Masters turned out to be equally confident that it had also been there during the day .
3 To date the government , and the industry , has refused to be drawn on the isotopic concentration of the plutonium exported to America — critical information if objectors are to be wholly satisfied that no weapons-grade material got across to the other side of the Atlantic .
4 We consider it to be most unlikely that the pleural lesion is the site of origin of this lymphoma because of the extensive lymphocytic infiltration elsewhere , the long history of bowel symptoms , and the similarity with other described cases .
5 Again it may not be thought to be particularly helpful that God in God 's undifferentiated nature ( or indeed the Spirit in its rather vague nature ) are to be understood as ‘ female ’ , while ‘ divine energies ’ ( sic ) , that which is clearly differentiated and self-determining , is to be seen as ‘ male ’ .
6 Bureaux showed themselves to be particularly concerned that the CAB would be overwhelmed and lose its identity and NACAB produced a detailed response addressing these fears .
7 Although it appears to be generally true that erosion is concentrated on the more exposed portions of the coast , one occasionally finds examples of marked marine erosion in extremely sheltered positions .
8 Tony Blair , Labour 's Employment Secretary , is said to be privately impressed that fewer days are now lost to strikes than at any time in the past 60 years .
9 I knew he , I did n't know him , I did n't know him , but I do go and see him when I saw this case was covered up , and it seems to be utterly unreasonable that this poor old chap was going to have doors slamming and banging , and then people coming out the Dance about midnight , and his whole life being disrupted , so I I turned on there , unknown to my own Council , oh , they were cross with me .
10 It is often noticed that when someone has a close relative die , it seems to be not unusual that the family pet dies shortly afterwards .
11 But you would have to be awfully sure that you were destined for the gallows to put to sea in a small boat during a storm .
12 The mother has to be completely sure that she wants to wean her child from the breast or bottle : her motivation is essential for this to succeed .
13 twenty , fifteen , whatever years , whatever years , and in that time you 've got to be pretty sure that you can do that
14 So even if other people pay for it , we will have to be pretty convinced that it will be successful .
15 This question needs to be tackled if we are to be reasonably certain that observed variation reflects a speaker 's norm rather than random fluctuation in the data .
16 If you devote several years of your life to a subject , you ought to be reasonably sure that you 'll enjoy it .
17 We can not finalise it until your condition has sufficiently stabilised for us to be reasonably sure that no unforeseen deterioration may occur .
18 However , in this case , it would not be necessary to determine that all the quanta came from the same direction : it would be enough to observe that they all arrived within a very short time interval to be reasonably confident that they were coming from the same burst .
19 We do n't know upon what he 's basing what he 's saying , whether it 's on his own particular memories of school , whether it 's been informed by , department of education officials in England , or Scottish education officials up here , and I think any up , any where somebody , something as crucial teachi , any job , er , where somebody who 's uninformed is making pronouncements which are considered to be sufficiently important that they 're read out on th , on the six o'clock news and in the papers
20 Indeed , it takes quite a wise person to be sufficiently aware that they have a problem to seek professional help .
21 The Comptroller and Auditor General Sir John Bourne , who compiled a report for the National Audit Office , is known to be deeply concerned that the payment from the public purse was hidden .
22 As it seemed to be fairly certain that the children would now not come that way and the main rides need be watched no longer , the Leader went back and called the thin man in .
23 The incoherence I think is that you ca n't ever say that anyone has lost because you do n't know what 's happening in the second and third and fourth erm batch , so I ca n't see how this system is meant to work , Mill seems to be fairly confident that it will .
24 This way , it was going to be fairly obvious that someone had emptied a bottle of bleach into the punch but , since Henry could not possibly have a motive for murdering the whole of Maple Drive ( as far as the police were concerned , anyway ) , it would be relatively easy for him to gasp in horror and dismay and to take the Wimbledon CID around the places where he had left the bowl of punch unattended .
25 Yeah , I think when it comes to bearing selection issues we ought to be clear in which direction we 're going in , now , it 's in our interests at the moment , as we 're unable to produce a larger series of airings in the U K or in Europe , to steer them away from those sort of design , but it seems also to be fairly clear that demands for packaging and compact design for steering gear , tend to be favouring the =mote , remote valve arrangement , therefore putting a considerable advantage
26 Leith could see at once that he did n't seem to be too enamoured that she , by giving in her notice , had just taken away his trump card .
27 If you need to be absolutely sure that you really do have your money in your hand and not just a piece of paper which may or may not be paid , ask for one or other of the above .
28 We have to be absolutely sure that only the pollen we want reaches the stigma .
29 I have no doubt that those same consumers , when exercising their choice about what to buy , will want to be absolutely sure that products imported to the United Kingdom have had to undergo precisely the same levels of checks and monitoring as products exported from the United Kingdom .
30 I do n't want to start haunting Chambers ’ doorstep , yet I want to be absolutely sure that the moment we pick is the right one . ’
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