Example sentences of "to be [prep] a different " in BNC.

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1 This model would , of course , be the cheapest possible for cremation ; anything more elaborate would require to be of a different design and materials .
2 At Chedworth , however , the simple geometrics of rooms 11 and 14 appear to be of a different quality to those portrayed in Lysons ' engravings of plates 44 and 45 ; although here ( and also at North Leigh : pI .
3 Excavation beneath this mosaic has shown the mortar beneath the central -roundel to be of a different character to that used elsewhere in the pavement ( Goodburn pers. comm. ) : the overall picture , therefore , suggests two workmen , or ( less probably given the remarkable variety of the meander ) one workman using " acquired " sections of prefabricated mosaic .
4 A few men will not get the message during the flight , and will land believing themselves to be on a different drop zone .
5 The contention was that a co-ordinated approach was needed towards the treatment of offenders , and that it was not appropriate for the Home Secretary 's responsibilities for prisoners to be on a different basis from his other responsibilities .
6 Any one " event " is likely to be on a different scale from the one preceding or succeeding it and there are likely to be gaps between events .
7 For example , if you realise that you want your presentation to be on a different medium then you can do so — and see at a glance the effect of changing the underlying presentation style .
8 If Offline is being conducted because a disk is nearly full , therefore , the work directory may need to be on a different disk , where more space is available .
9 it used to be at a different time of the year , though , did n't it ?
10 But , if underfloor engines and transmissions were to be used , they had to be in a different league of reliability and performance from the DMUs which BR had been running since the 1950s .
11 Somehow what is left of Beaufort conspires to embody these political and religious transitions ; when the mists lie in the valleys of southern Lebanon , the remaining walls can be glimpsed above the clouds , but because of the peculiar geography of the place — because the ravines and wadis fold in uneven formation and in odd directions — Beaufort always appears to be in a different location , its broken ramparts a nightmare denture which eludes every contour and coordinate .
12 But if there are more than about 12–15 words in the unclassifiable group , and your children are older than 9 , then look again more carefully , because you have probably put words there that ought to be in a different category .
13 Twice I rose and tried to help her , but I seemed to be in a different dream .
14 We ca n't say er we ca n't ask to be in a different Division to Notts County and Derby and Leicester .
15 I could imagine institutions , for example , being told to be in a different position perhaps in five years ' time or ten years ' time , and being able to do this by a variety of means , working towards it , whereas , it seems to me it 's a very much harder problem , although it 's , it 's understandable as I said in the , in the present circumstances , to actually be able to take on this properly and do a proper job of change in a time scale of perhaps one year or maybe even less than that in some cases .
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