Example sentences of "to be [verb] by other " in BNC.

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1 And , as one later moved into other divisions to be taught by other people one always seemed to come back to the Roman Conquest of Britain , which I found particularly boring , and learnt nothing .
2 To be a Foodie , to be recognized by other Foodies as such — that is the most succulent form of bliss .
3 Moreover , the undoubted problems of the British economy need to be explained by other factors ranging from obsolete management and union practices within British industry to the complex influences of patterns of world trade and rising oil prices .
4 Both the infra-red absorption studies of Heintz and the viscosity studies of Barnard have yet to be repeated by other workers , but they are both suggestive of the presence of polymers in the potencies .
5 At first sight , Mancini 's account appears to be supported by other evidence .
6 At first sight , Mancini 's account appears to be supported by other evidence .
7 It is recommended that as much information as possible be supplied since the DC may have to be assessed by other users , and will certainly be examined by the QA user who will eventually decide upon the fitness for purpose of any modules referenced by the DC .
8 The same ‘ make-do ’ fashion also had to be adopted by other schools .
9 In this way , one of the best Home Secretaries of the post-war era was abruptly removed from the Home Office at a few hours notice , leaving behind a collection of unfinished artefacts to be completed by other hands .
10 Afro-Caribbeans were more likely to know the offender well and were more likely than Asians or whites to be victimised by other Afro-Asians .
11 As soon as the urban context is broken down even into such crude categories as social class , age or ‘ interests ’ , processes which seemed to be peculiar to particular urban areas turn out to be determined by other factors .
12 It is a spectacularly successful conjuring trick that capitalism in the West has pulled off : with one hand cutting down on paid labour by encouraging people to regard the jobs that used to be done by other workers as new forms of leisure , whilst with the other hand establishing new ( and more profitable ) economic sectors around voluntary pastoral care , such as care for the elderly .
13 Some sections of the total route are to be upgraded by other authorities ( eg. Slateford to Merchiston ) ; our volunteers will work on sections not otherwise covered .
14 The best time to get people to talk about themselves is when you are sitting around the table over a meal or having tea , and when they are relaxed and are not likely to be diverted by other activities .
15 Where production extends over a long period as in construction industries and shipbuilding , measurement of work in progress has to be achieved by other means .
16 Personal needs have to be met by other supporting staff , by counsellors or by the significant others in the nurse 's life .
17 That leaves a yawning gap — 17% of Greece 's GDP — to be filled by other means ( see chart 2 ) .
18 In fact the notion that the trust may follow the property appears to be followed by other aficionados of the law of trusts .
19 Chiang visited Seoul and was to be followed by other Kuomintang emissaries until June 1950 .
20 This fundamental approach was later to be followed by other realist approaches to geomorphology including Carson ( 1971 ) .
21 Once a court has upheld a provision as being part of common law it creates a precedent to be followed by other courts .
22 The point is , that you need yourself to be surrounded by other supportive adults for your own erm sanity and well being and that 's why I think erm you need an , a whole extended situation and you need to change the way people feel about , about children so that , children have more access to adults in general , and adults have more access to children in general .
23 Next week some laureates will take their campaign to the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva , where their appeal is expected to be backed by other peace prize winners including former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev .
24 This will also be the case where the shares are issued by a subsidiary incorporated in a jurisdiction where it can not avoid paying dividends or amounts in respect of redemption even if there are insufficient distributable profits , in which case funds would have to be provided by other group companies .
25 Matisse and all the others saw the twentieth century with their eyes but they saw the reality of the nineteenth century , Picasso was the only one in painting who saw the twentieth century with his eyes and saw its reality and consequently his struggle was terrifying , terrifying for himself and for the others , because he had nothing to help him , the past did not help him , nor the present , he had to do it all alone and , in spite of much strength he is often very weak , he consoled himself and allowed himself to be seduced by other things which led him more or less astray .
26 We 've a right to govern our own country , and we 've a right not to be told by other countries that we should be split into two , that we 're two different nations because they decided to split us down the middle .
27 Where risks are present they will tend to be single and are likely to be shared by other stimuli ( e.g. the driver going too fast ) .
28 Such amounts to a kind of agroforestry type of manipulation of the environment and is known to be practised by other groups , e.g. the Bora of the Peruvian Amazon .
29 Cliftonville are now a team to be respected by other Irish League outfits and good luck to them in next week 's Irish Cup semi-final .
30 They are very single-minded , refuse to be dominated by other dogs and will gladly dominate their owners , too , if given the opportunity !
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