Example sentences of "to be [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Two are highly valued , namely lidya ( shy , timid , ashamed ) and höntugen ( frightened , fearful ) , and can be said to be integral aspects of the Chewong person ( Howell 1988 ) .
2 Furthermore , there are often subtle differences in what at first glance appear to be similar provisions in different contracts , for example , the provision for liquidated damages .
3 ‘ There would have to be similar moves from the counties and I do n't think that is very likely .
4 It is not my intention to argue that villagers confused the two institutions , or that they thought magistrates and demons to be similar types of beings .
5 Any proposals for road and rail investment in the South East must satisfy the government 's general criteria and will not be approved simply because they are deemed to be necessary adjuncts to the tunnel .
6 Not one that bleeding hearts would approve of , no doubt , but we , as the committee , were absolutely within our rights to sell off what we considered to be unnecessary stocks of wine in order to allocate the money to members ’ more urgent needs . ’
7 Senior managers do not want things to go wrong , and will not take what they consider to be unnecessary risks in recommending one supplier as opposed to another .
8 Fragments of Norman mouldings in the tower walls appear to be re-used material from an earlier building .
9 There were to be extraordinary inconsistencies in the description of that fateful call by the main participants .
10 Continental basins generally seem to be long-lived features with a subsidence history often extending over a period of 100 Ma or more .
11 In all these cases , the relevant legal provisions required there to be onward transmission of the documents to the defendant .
12 Not only are there likely to be unphysiological levels of stimulation , but it is frequently unclear , from published reports , how extensive the effective stimulation zone actually was .
13 Recognising there appeared to be substantial support for this move he approached Robert Naish privately with a view to easing the inevitable changeover .
14 There appear to be substantial differences between the " traditional " temporary workers employed in seasonal jobs in such sectors as retailing , entertainments and the holiday industry and the " new " temporary workers employed in some organisations in the manufacturing sector .
15 Although the hit rate does not differ significantly between junctions there do seem to be substantial differences between individual films .
16 There appears to be substantial numbers of people who join or leave , become active or inactive , over time .
17 There is likely to be substantial increases in CPU times , although it might be possible to reduce this by a factor of 5 .
18 At first glance there appears to be substantial equality in the income maintenance payments made to men and women , in that the same rates apply to both , and there are no rules debarring women from access to benefits just because they are women .
19 These are unlikely to be suitable hosts for the preservation of exhaled sulphides .
20 Many of the projects arose not just because they seemed to be suitable topics for academic research , but at the direct instigation of teachers or sometimes students .
21 She seems to be suitable material for what he wants : her father a murderer and her mother a prostitute . ’
22 All sorts and conditions of native societies were declared to be suitable candidates for it , even when they possessed , to Western eyes , no discernible political organization at all , and so no evident agency through which indirection might be achieved .
23 French was a guest in the VIP box at Ellis Park for the South Africa v All Black Test and he know there were to be immediate problems for the Wallaby tour the moment the first chord of Die Stem was struck .
24 The agreement was based on the famous — some would say infamous-five principles : unimpeded progress to majority rule ( already enshrined in the 1961 Constitution ) had to be maintained and guaranteed ; there would have to be guarantees against retrogressive amendment of the Constitution ; there would need to be immediate improvement in the political status of the black population ; there would have to be progress towards ending racial discrimination ; and the British government would need to be satisfied that any basis proposed for independence was acceptable to the people of Rhodesia as a whole .
25 However , should Gazza and Co. lose , there are bound to be immediate demands for the sacking of manager Dino Zoff .
26 If such stipulations are made for so mundane a practice as motoring , they would seem to be reasonable precautions for protecting our environment for the rest of time from possible damage by man-made creatures .
27 However , landlords usually calculate the rent on what they consider to be reasonable use of shared facilities , which is already to their advantage .
28 I would argue , however , that there is a difference between what one might consider to be reasonable use by passenger traffic during the day , and the disturbances that might arise from that , and the use of the line at night by heavy goods traffic .
29 Tamas had attempted to stand in the same constituency in the 1985 general election , but had been thwarted by what he had alleged to be communist manipulation of the candidate selection process [ see p. 33812-13 ] .
30 Their Saturday evening concert at the Arts Centre showed them to be individual artists of the highest quality who together produced something greater than just the sum of the parts .
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