Example sentences of "to the time of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With respect , there is much to be said for the minority view expressed by Lord Pearce which is based upon certainty in transactions and would not expose the parties to shifts in scientific knowledge right up to the time of trial .
2 He argued , convincingly , that noun phrases taken as a whole may quite often have a different temporal assignment from that of the verb which they accompany , as in : ( 37 ) I used to be a good friend of the police chief The underlined phrase may be understood as past relative to the time of utterance ( and hence in agreement with the time indicated by the verb ) or as present ; the two different time-values correspond to the two different continuations in : ( 38 ) … before he joined the force … until he was shot for corruption The first continuation would be compatible with an expansion of the subject phrase to the man who is the police chief , while the second would support the man who was the police chief .
3 Thus , just as place deixis encodes spatial locations on coordinates anchored to the place of utterance , so time deixis encodes times on co-ordinates anchored to the time of utterance .
4 To is consequently used in the infinitive of reaction to evoke the support of the infinitive as characterized by a disposition arising prior to the time of realization of what the infinitive denotes .
5 letter relate , does the letter relate to the time of purchase ?
6 well the letter would relate to the time of purchase
7 An important consequence of this approach is that generally the courts have refused to accept that supervening events ( ie events subsequent to the time of contract ) can render an initially reasonable covenant unenforceable .
8 This means that each one of them must know what human experience they each must share when it comes to the time of evocation .
9 This three year research project seeks to remedy this shortcoming by examing what solicitors do , from the moment a defendant first seeks legal advice to the time of disposition .
10 Sammy had his own log book and the number of sorties he did over Germany varied according to the time of night and the amount of beer consumed in that period .
11 The latter would arrive by taxi or office car , and proximity to the time of departure of the train would be a sign of status .
12 On Jan. 29 President César Gaviria Trujillo made a fresh offer , extending an earlier decree to include crimes committed up to the time of surrender , and on Jan. 30 the Extraditables , maintaining that the police had in fact killed Diana Turbay , announced that they were reconsidering their latest declaration of war and would abstain from violent action for the moment .
13 Our aim in this study was to establish whether the rate of unnecessary operations and the rate of complicated appendicitis among patients undergoing surgery for suspected acute appendicitis were related to the time of presentation to hospital and the delay between presentation and surgery .
14 In flight refreshment or meals according to the time of day .
15 During your flight you can relax with a drink from the duty free bar and a meal or light refreshment will be served according to the time of day .
16 FREE SNACK OR MEAL IN-FLIGHT — ( according to the time of day ) .
17 But each of us is different , and our needs vary according to the time of day and what we are doing .
18 The intensity and character of earth energies also seem to fluctuate according to the time of day , month and year .
19 More is involved than fixing a charge for notional wear and tear on track and signalling , then adding a mark-up ; pricing will have to reflect the fact that line congestion fluctuates according to the time of day , week and year .
20 Light refreshments/meals are served on all flights according to the time of day .
21 In-flight meals and/or refreshments as appropriate to the time of day .
22 Then , at a release site , it could estimate the latitude by the height of the sun in the sky ( through an estimated arc ) and longitude by the time of day indicated by the sun at the release site relative to the time of day at home indicated by the pigeon 's internal clock .
23 To make them indicate seasonal hours , either the rate of flow or the scale of hours had to be varied according to the time of year , and considerable ingenuity appears to have been applied to achieve this .
24 Many external influences can affect our state of mind , from the food we eat to the time of year , from programming in our past to stress in our current situation .
25 ( Triangle , £4.99 ) is a user-friendly guide to the greatest book of all , discussing background to the scriptures , morality , and even the vexed question of sexism ; and a re-issue of Sandra Boynton 's Christmastime ( Mandarin , £5.99 ) , the ‘ somewhat eccentric illustrated guide to the heart of the holiday season ’ , provides a less reverent approach to the time of year .
26 Both the Great Western and the Midland were involved in the carriage of produce from the Vale of Evesham virtually all the year round , but the actual cargoes varied according to the time of year .
27 WELL , we 're back to the time of year when , hopefully , it will be warm and dry enough to get a barbecue organised .
28 Because there are so few cells and a well-defined pattern , it is possible to follow the lineage and fate of every cell at least up to the time of gastrulation .
29 Grievances against the federal Government of the republic of India go back to the time of independence , when many Sikhs felt that Nehru and his Congress party reneged on solemn undertakings .
30 Protein is stored in the body and blood fats increase steadily up to the time of birth .
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