Example sentences of "to the [adj] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 This must be equal to the integral over the surface were v is the velocity and — the density ; n is the outward normal to the surface S which enclosed V. By Gauss 's theorem we may write and hence Since this must be true for any volume element we have the equation of continuity The conservation of momentum in continuum mechanics relates the rate of change of the momentum integrated over a volume V to the resultant of the forces on that volume .
2 Even at the faster rate , it would take over 1300 years simply to count to the smallest of the above numbers .
3 In paying my respects and tribute to the bereaved of the two soldiers and the young man killed , I am tempted to say that I thought that I had seen it all .
4 Labour 's promises of a better life depended absolutely and solely on the further success of the global economy further to enrich the people of Britain by means of the same flow of wealth from the poor to the rich of the world .
5 He walked bravely over to the nearest of the shapes .
6 She was already crossing the room to the nearest of the french windows , moving with an urgency that she did n't seem prepared to explain .
7 Beta Boo¨tis ( 3.5 ) is the nearest fairly bright star to the radiant of the meteor shower seen in early January , known as the Quadrantid shower because this was the region of a constellation , Quadrans ( the Quadrant ) which was proposed by J. E. Bode in 1775 but which has been deleted from modern maps .
8 We know that the Palace was still used occasionally for in 1418 , Bishop Yong was here , sitting judicially in his Chapel at Halling giving judgement and punishment to the Prior of the Convent of Rochester , in a dispute over St. Nicholas Church , Rochester .
9 Setting these and other tricks and experiments aside , we must turn to the second of the two chief methods of covering a book which , oddly enough , is by binding it .
10 The earldom of Derby was conferred on Henry of Grosmont , son and heir of the Earl of Lancaster , and Hugh Audley , the old rival of the Despensers , received the earldom of Gloucester , to which he had a claim by virtue of his marriage to the second of the coheiresses of Gilbert de Clare Earl of Gloucester who fell at Bannockburn .
11 The reason for this , according to the second of the two studies just cited , is that " large firms … had more rationalised hiring systems and were better able to identify when temporary workers could be used efficiently " .
12 We also draw upon the findings of an earlier longitudinal study of men registering as unemployed in 1978 — the Department of Health and Social Security 's ( DHSS ) Cohort Study — which contributes information pertinent to the second of the two issues under consideration .
13 Prior Robert , still stonily silent and shocked out of his normal studied dignity , led away his shattered clerk to the second of the two penitentiary cells ; and it was the first time , as far as Cadfael could recall , that the two had ever been occupied at the same time .
14 However , this line of argument still leaves unanswered the question why strikes are presented as they are , which brings us to the second of the points Hyman raised .
15 But , moving on to the second of the problematic areas indicated earlier , the liberal mode itself is open to question , irrespective of its organisational context .
16 ABA light heavyweight champion Anthony Todd , of Darlington , travels to the second of the three Olympic qualifying tournaments in Berck sur Mer hoping he 'll follow in the footsteps of Scarborough 's Paul Ingle , who qualified for Barcelona at the previous tournament in Denmark .
17 We were married eventually on 29 December in St Cuthbert 's Church , Edinburgh , in the little chapel which was a memorial to the fallen of the First World War .
18 The labour test was unattractive both to the many of the unemployed , because it impaired their skills and prevented their seeking work elsewhere , and to Poor Law administrators , because discipline was difficult to maintain in the stoneyards .
19 I 'll be very , very brief erm we can not fall back the control of the country which even the highest rate of recycling that a number of them have already achieved the Government recycling target so now you 've aimed er , I think it 's something rich it more or less stands for er , I would see the role of the County is essentially is co-ordination between the various waste collection authorities through to the greater of the extense of
20 A lot of the species belonging to the commonest of the Carboniferous and Permian ‘ leaf genera ’ — like Neuropteris , Alethopteris and Mariopteris were seed ferns of this kind ( rather than true ferns ) , but associations of seeds with foliage are extremely rare .
21 do not always give the job to the best of a bad bunch , but investigate where the recruiting methods and job specification may have gone wrong and start again ;
22 At least Gooch had the consolation of getting out to the best of the home bowlers , and to a man who is coached by former Indian captain , Kapil Dev .
23 In a perfect world , perhaps that would be the case , but the fact is that Japan is at present responsible for some of the finest guitars available , and the Fuji Gen factory , from which the Starfield Japanese range comes , is home to the best of the best .
24 To help you get to grips with this new world of adventure here is a guide to the best of the New Year releases and when they will be available .
25 Where the claimant company 's profits or the amounts available for surrender as group relief by a surrendering company have not been ascertained , the profits to be covered and/or the amount(s) claimed may be given as an estimate to the best of the claimant 's ability .
26 The claim must incorporate a declaration that the particulars of the claim are correct to the best of the signatory 's knowledge and belief .
27 This indicates that the Revenue will be prepared to accept returns containing estimated figures provided they are identified , drawn to the inspector 's attention and made to the best of the company 's ( adviser 's ? ) ability .
28 Thankfully there were no injuries and he and Ave Barlow managed to make it down to the best of the mountain safely .
29 If the thought of a lengthy moorland return is unappealing , an alternative way to get to the best of the escarpment in a shorter time is to start from a parking area near a prominent standing stone on the unclassified road to Trecastle .
30 If neither of these provisions applies , the affidavit must be sworn by a person having direct personal knowledge of the means adopted for service , and must specify the steps which have been taken to serve the demand , the means whereby ( those steps having been ineffective ) it was sought to bring the demand to the debtor 's attention , and the date by which , to the best of the knowledge of the person making the affidavit , the demand would have come to the debtor 's attention .
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