Example sentences of "to the [noun] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The British banana company , Geest , has been accused of illegal felling of areas of rainforest in north-east Costa Rica , next to the Tortuguero National Park .
2 Prior to the legislation this right could only be a moral one ; once enacted it would have legal standing as well .
3 At the scene of the attack police found a plastic bag holding the pint of milk and four sausages he had bought for his tea — and some of the breadcrumbs he scattered to the birds each day .
4 Similarly , there was a lack of reaction to the Hume-Adams joint declaration , which was significant .
5 As well as an excellent surrounding network of roads , Oberhausen is well connected to the Ruhr public transport network , which includes trains , trams and trolley buses .
6 The Electricity Privatisation Bill states that working up to the year 2000 supply companies must buy between 15 and 20 per cent of their energy from non-fossil fuel resources .
7 The Pumphouse in Liverpool 's Albert Dock claimed its busiest day ever as droves of people poured in to The Mersey Regional Health Authority-sponsored event was one of many Drinkwise Day events arranged around the country yesterday .
8 For all practical purposes the Massaliotes had to deal with men who in language , art , tribal customs and , presumably , Druidic wisdom belonged to the fluid Celtic civilization .
9 ‘ Hello , ’ I said to the Puerto Rican child who was sitting on the lap of the woman beside me .
10 Now expectations model implies that the revision in expectations , right , year on year alright , is proportional right , to the error last year , right , the difference between actual and forecasted last year right , if they were way out if their forecast was way out for last year , right , they 'll revise their expectations for , for the next year okay .
11 The German Mining Union , for its part , has called for curbs on imported coal in order to increase indigenous coal sales to the electricity generating industry — some 10 million tonnes of cheaper foreign coal came into Germany in 1982 .
12 The total cost to the electricity generating industry , it said , would be £6 billion over the next 10 years .
13 Most Western governments are actually helping Pol Pot by giving diplomatic support to the Khmer Rouge-dominated coalition at the United Nations ( UN Resolution 44/22 passed on 16 November , 1989 ) .
14 The 150-member Association of Luxembourg Banks and Bankers on Jan. 31 , 1990 , protested to the Luxembourg Monetary Institute against tough rules introduced in November 1989 to prevent money laundering .
15 Although total revenues generated in the first-class game increased in actual terms , by seven and a half per cent , to the £24.5 million mark , the inexorable rise in costs has taken over £1 million out of the combined surpluses of the counties , which have descended to a dangerously low level of just under
16 The first trial units will be set up in 1994 , attached to the Moscow Military District and the Northern Fleet .
17 I did n't come to the church that night , I had no reason to .
18 Most visitors ask about the history of the garden , part of which is built on the site of a nunnery attached to the church next door .
19 I walked through the graveyard to the church this afternoon .
20 Is n't it the case though that people in Kent , offenders in Kent , have become used to the idea that cautioning will be the norm ?
21 THERE was a North/South dead heat finish to the Penzance Irish YB National
22 Britain 's highest profile space commitment was to the ESA L-SAT programme ( later called Olympus ) ; this was the high-power , high-science , satellite from which the French and Germans withdrew in order to prepare ( from 1979 ) to launch their own DBS satellite outside the ESA — for their TVSat and TDF-I efforts .
23 The Government did give a £10 million grant to the McFarlane charitable trust to meet the health and domestic needs of the victims .
24 To give body to the reforms new building was needed on a massive scale .
25 If an external load torque is applied to the motor then the rotor must adopt a position at which the motor produces sufficient torque to balance the load torque and maintain equilibrium — The maximum torque which the motor can produce , and therefore the maximum load which can be applied under static conditions , is equal to the peak static torque .
26 Twenty-five miles away lies the entrance to the Peak National Park where there are many waymarked walks .
28 ‘ ABSOLUTELY delighted ’ is how David Taylor , Manager of Telford Branch described his reaction on hearing that his Branch had been appointed bankers to the Princess Royal Hospital , due to become a NHS Trust on 1 April .
29 Ski free in France : eat and sleep rurally and ski touristically by driving to the resort each day .
30 TYNE AND WEAR : A party of North-East firefighters fly to the Ukraine this week to visit a museum in Kiev dedicated to their foreign counterparts who were killed or injured in the Chernobyl nuclear disaster .
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