Example sentences of "to the [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Concealed amongst the coats , Frankie listened to the grunts of the animals and the low harsh voices of the men .
2 True , poverty often dwells in hidden alleys close to the palaces of the rich ; but , in general , a separate territory has been assigned to it , where , removed from the sight of the happier classes , it may struggle along as it can .
3 Angrily , Martha flounced into the yard and flushed the chickens out of the bushes and into the pen where they passed the night , fiercely calling ‘ shi-shi ! ’ to the birds with the resentment she felt towards her unreasonable grandmother .
4 Curiously enough , it is introduced by Palomar , yearning for the knowledge provided by precise denomination : every summer he listens to the birds in the garden and does not know what birds they are .
5 well I 've given it to the birds in the past when I 've had
6 It was applied to the birds by the ornithologist William Swainson ( 1789–1855 ) , who wrote extensively and produced a number of well illustrated works .
7 A RARE insight into the kindly nature of novelist Thomas Hardy has come to light , thanks to the efforts of a retired Dorset schoolmaster .
8 But thanks to the efforts of a group of dedicated train buffs it was restored to its original beauty .
9 IF EAST GERMANY finally sets out on the path to reform without further bloodshed and repression , it will be largely thanks to the efforts of the Protestant church .
10 Thanks to the efforts of the breeders , the stem of triticale is short so that the plant is more rigid in the wind ; grain size and quality are also vastly improved .
11 They claimed that despite the hundreds of years of Polish independence , ‘ the East ’ owed what little civilisation it could muster to the efforts of the Germans .
12 Thanks to the efforts of the people 's movements , the connection between the environmental clean-up of Rio and western proposals for the clean-up of the planet is becoming a little too clear .
13 Although marketing is done centrally , the success of a franchise is also down to the efforts of the franchisee in drumming up business .
14 The fourth merit of Johnson 's approach is that it allows for mobility of jobs between categories , although he does not attach as much significance as Hughes ( 1958 ) to the efforts of the ‘ professionals ’ themselves in this regard .
15 But karate was already emerging on the European scene , thanks to the efforts of the French martial arts teacher , Henri Plee .
16 The reason that it became discredited on the scale and at the speed that it did was due to the efforts of the gentleman who introduced it , the right hon. Member for Cirencester and Tewkesbury ( Mr. Ridley ) .
17 My right hon. Friend the Member for Leeds , East ( Mr. Healey ) was one of the main authors of that doctrine in the 1960s and today it enjoys some credibility due to the efforts of the present Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defence , who has argued clearly for the theory of flexible response in a series of public lectures and articles .
18 I pay tribute to the efforts of the construction industry training board .
19 The results were interpreted as giving a continued endorsement to the efforts of the non-party President Georgios Vassiliou to pursue UN-backed talks with the Turkish Cypriots — something which had been the key issue of the electoral campaigns .
20 Whilst the situation has improved greatly in the UK , in large measure due to the efforts of the British Library , Aslib , and the Standing Conference of National and University Libraries ( SCONUL ) , there are , regrettably , still some British universities which cling to restrictive practices with regard to the consultation and loan of theses .
21 Why should a society dedicated to an economy of profit-making competitive enterprise , to the efforts of the isolated individual , to equality of rights and opportunities and freedom , rest on an institution which so totally denied all of these ?
22 TEN housebound Belfast residents will be paying the Ulster Folk Museum a visit to celebrate Senior Volunteer Action Day , thanks to the efforts of the Voluntary Service Belfast .
23 ‘ Lord , what fools we mortals be ’ , are Shakespeare 's own words and it is this particular comment that Ashton has used as the keynote to the adventures in the forest .
24 A 96-pin hedgehog device is used to transfer a small amount of culture from the culture dish to the wells of the PCR dish .
25 It was as if the energies within my brain and body were reacting to the energies within the crypt and a flowing , pulsing feeling of warmth came over me , somewhat similar to my feeling after a session of Reichian therapy .
26 Dealings by persons who are connected in this fashion ( concert parties ) are treated as equivalent to the dealings of a single person .
27 These have been falling in value , exposing the banks to the dangers of a shrinking capital base .
28 In the late 1890s , for example , Ramsay MacDonald worked closely with J. A. Hobson on the Progressive Review , a liberal socialist journal which attacked ‘ Manchesterism ’ in the name of domestic social reform , while remaining ‘ keenly alive to the dangers of a powerful State , taken as an instrument of absolute control and adducing ‘ reasons of State ’ as an over-ruling principle of policy . ’
29 In the campaign , Kennedy pointed to the dangers of a growing recession and had pledged to " move America forward " .
30 The combination of the ‘ Carter Doctrine ’ , the outbreak of the Iran Iraq war and the proclaimed American intention to establish a rapid deployment force for the Middle East added appreciably to the dangers of a superpower confrontation in the Persian Gulf .
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