Example sentences of "to what [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 Today the cottages are being largely restored to what purports to be their former glory , occupied by middle-class commuters with the standard family ) size of 4. 4 people .
2 Mr Major achieved one of the most remarkable comebacks in modern politics to lead the Tories to what looked to be a narrow overall majority .
3 In foreign affairs , his first priority was to end the Vietnam War , while at home he made a frank appeal to what came to be called " middle america " : the " good , decent , tax-paying , law-abiding people , the forgotten Americans " .
4 This was due not only to economies of scale but also to what came to be known as the experience curve .
5 Once I went down with Jane to the village pub and we sat in the front parlour on our own , listening to what seemed to be a male voice choir performing in the next room , accompanied by mysterious foot shufflings and stampings .
6 The issue of power brings a thread of coherence to what appear to be divergent reforms .
7 Unfortunately , this latter conclusion tends to be at odds with more conventional data which suggests that real markets often do not converge to what appear to be their equilibrium values ; an obvious example is the labour market .
8 Section 22 and s23 of the Arbitration Act 1950 preserve the right to apply to the court to set aside an award on the ground of misconduct by the arbitrator : misconduct sometimes amounts to what appear to be no more than minor procedural solecisms .
9 Moreover , for such a minister , the ideal is not a department without a policy or officials without positive ideas as to what needs to be done .
10 Well I think Simon for doing it is a really excellent way of doing it , it states the source of items , suggestions or quiffs , and makes a proposal erm , which we can debate agreed , and then it 's for clear instructions to what needs to be changed on the procedure .
11 Also attached to this box were the vacuum gauge and a third pipe which led to what appeared to be a servo for the brake ( ? ! ) .
12 Ahead was a short marble staircase , leading to what appeared to be a lecture-room on the next floor .
13 Banks , Harris and Sinclair were probably elected because of their trade-union connections , but precisely because of these existing responsibilities , the first two could not devote much time and effort to what appeared to be a marginal group making little impact .
14 Bloxham had always been fascinated by regression to what appeared to be past lives , and he would experiment with those of his patients who proved to be excellent subjects for hypnosis ( with their full permission and co-operation , of course ) , recording the outcome of these experiments .
15 We could find no cause for this when I regressed him to an earlier period in this life and so I went on to regress him to what appeared to be a previous life .
16 When they reached the approach to what appeared to be a long deep cutting , Mary stopped .
17 ‘ You lied to me , ’ she said , her voice laced with accusation as she walked through to what appeared to be a workshop .
18 Brucie should have asked his old mucker why he had apparently given up his comedy career to become a fulltime golfer , but he seemed more interested in sticking to what appeared to be a well-prepared script .
19 Brucie should have asked his old mucker why he had apparently given up his comedy career to become a full-time golfer , but he seemed more interested in sticking to what appeared to be a well-prepared script .
20 Brucie should have asked his old mucker why he had apparently given up his comedy career to become a full-time golfer , but he seemed more interested in sticking to what appeared to be a well-prepared script .
21 i Once it became obvious that youth organizations could not solve the ‘ boy labour problem ’ , either socially or economically , the question arose as to what needed to be done .
22 What they 're able to do with that money this year and in that way we can make a reasonable assessment as to what has to be done next year and the years after and budget all , but we 're talking about how they 're going to spend the money that we 've just earlier on voted for , for us so that we can see what is being done and also that the public can see because after all this all came up , the report to the ombudsman and the public will not be satisfied about our performance on that .
23 ‘ What the counsellor does is to concentrate on how the client feels about the incidents or facts he is reporting rather than on the facts themselves , and then to respond to what appears to be the most significant part of each complex sequence …
24 Why should Andropulos be an exception to what appears to be a fairly well established rule ? ’
25 On the first occasion , I remembered , I had found a highly personable stray kitten and before the week was up had delivered it to what promised to be a good new home adjacent to that jokey castle .
26 It was an unhappy start to what proved to be a contentious relationship , with Lugard wanting to turn the clock back to the days of his undisputed pre-eminence , and Temple , whose sense of his own consequence was equally developed , treating him as primus ( barely ) inter pares .
27 Caught off guard , in a mellow mood , away-from the pressures that the stance has been developed to shield them from , they too will admit to being disappointed and confused , not as hard-bitten as they make out , and as having found only a very inadequate solution to what seems to be an insoluble problem : how to do a good enough job .
28 A major concern will be a cultural set attached to what seems to be a disappearing base , at least if the logic of capital is allowed to determine the course of events .
29 The authors draw attention to what seems to be a large regional variation between rates of surgical treatment for glue ear .
30 Particularly if the year intended in the lists is indeed 833 — these actual death dates may be an indication that this entry should , however , be dated a year earlier , i.e. 832 -but in any case in view of the general chronological uncertainty , Rajab 834 appears to fall within an allowable margin of error ; and one would therefore be reluctant to dismiss the circumstantial account of a contemporary biographical source in favour of a too-strict adherence to what seems to be the slightly uncertain evidence of the chronological lists .
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