Example sentences of "to you at [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 I mean what we 've heard that in fact erm they had met in prison , but was that known to you at that time or simply that they were known to each other and that had a record ?
2 Did it matter to you at that time who it was ?
3 However , as the month progresses , you 're likely to realise how important security is to you at this time .
4 Now at this juncture here you would n't actually say what products you 're gon na do , cos you 're not gon na go back and say well I 'm thinking of er two hundred thousand pounds of convertible term assurance and we 're looking personal pension plan , but you 'll tell the guy you 're gon na go back to the branch , we 've got a variety of different things sir and what I wan na do is to go back to the branch and work on one or two ideas for you and then present them to you at some time in the future .
5 A serious accident could happen to you at any time today , tomorrow , next year .
6 I think we certainly agree with you in terms of locality , and it 's open to you at any time , I would have thought , to be in touch with Katherine , and say , ‘ Would you follow up on x or y ’ .
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