Example sentences of "to i [conj] [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 She thinks you suspect her and it seems to me that everything adds up to a good cause for her condition . ’
2 ‘ It seems to me that everyone thinks he 's ill merely because he is less rude and rather more bearable than he has been in the past , ’ the head said irritably .
3 It seems to me that everyone watches everyone all the time .
4 And it seems to me that everyone overlooks a very vulnerable spot .
5 And so it seems to me that what has got to be proven , and I come back to the point , is that something has changed and we have n't heard anything that has changed er in in that time .
6 Although it would be difficult to document the generalisation , it seems to me that there has been a significant decline , over the past ten or fifteen years , in the degree of confidence in the scope and security of foundations in both psychology and linguistics .
7 Chairman , this is not what we , er , agreed before , and it seems to me that there 's been some re-thinking on this , and I hesitate to say that once again , er , members are trying to face all ways because they do n't want to upset somebody , but the policy that we 've had in the past , had total support at property , and it is , it is a policy that has worked .
8 Mr Chairman , just one quick , and that is it seems to me that there seems to be very few councillors attending .
9 Several times it 's happened to me that someone has come up to me and asked if I 've ever done a play .
10 It seems to me that it does n't put a lot of weight on the grass .
11 It seems to me that it lacks somehow a soul or a purpose .
12 You prove to me that it gives just the very impression I desired .
13 One interesting feature of this discovery seems to me that it 's been a combination of different individuals approaching it almost laterally , in a sense , because you 're not an astronomer , particularly , are you ?
14 On European monetary union , it seems to me that it has long been the cherished aim of Conservative Governments to find a means by which we could control the value of our currency — to make it predictable in its exchange rate , as it was for much of the 19th century .
15 What I wanted to say was that when I read the Annual Report I was rather surprised to find that there is no reference to the er report of the committee under the chairmanship of Bob , Bob on the organization of the R Y A and then I realized that it probably did n't come to the Council till after the end of the year that we have under consideration but it did seem to me that it has some contentious and some very interesting and rather good points in it and I wonder if we could be told how the consideration of it is getting on .
16 He said to me that he does n't agree with lesbians , thinks they are absolutely disgusting people , etc. , and how two women can find sexual satisfaction with each other he will never know .
17 But it seems to me that he needs other people to bounce off , even though he can do it all himself .
18 It seems to me that he tries the Bible before the bar of his own mind rather than the other way around .
19 That suggests to me that he supports the policy of sector policing that my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary has put his weight behind .
20 About these matters it seems to me that he writes really well , in a manner that might suggest the intent translation of a Latin author anxious to tell the truth .
21 Such interventions into men 's lives are proof to me that He has not abandoned Southern Africa .
22 gentleman came to this house it seemed to be that he challenged the establishment and many of us welcomes that view it seemed to give a breath of fresh air , but now it seems to me that he 's become entirely institutionalised , can he explain that to the house ?
23 He keeps his back to me but he does n't cancel his offer .
24 During the last Energy Question Time , more than a fortnight ago , he promised to write to me but he has failed to do so .
25 Usually my mother was just like a sister to me but she has a strange fascination with the Queen .
26 ‘ However , I think it 's quite tragic what has happened to me and what continues to happen to young men like myself .
27 The confusion between what belongs to me and what belongs to you ( in emotional terms ) goes on throughout life .
28 So you see they were having a difference of opinion over that and he 's saying you should n't , you should 've left it all to me and she says I 've done it for last fifty year and , you know , all this .
29 No she came up to me came up to me and she goes , Erm have you got a partner .
30 But I mean , I wa I was really pleased when Toya come up to me and she goes , James ca n't stop talking about you in Science .
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