Example sentences of "to their [noun pl] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Unions bargaining with individual employers , or at industry level , sought to maximize the return to their members for working , welfare benefits being unaffected by the negotiations .
2 Many perform a great disservice to their members by failing to represent their interests independently and fairly .
3 This presents more difficulties for the researcher , who has to do a great deal of interpretation in order to make inferences from what people actually do to their motivations for doing it .
4 No doubt if such a condition were not written into the Act , the trial judge and the House of Lords would have regard to the significance of the adoption of the procedure for litigants and to their wishes in exercising their respective discretions to grant a certificate or leave to appeal .
5 Detailed observations were carried out on the behaviour of the students during the actual course , and both students and teachers were interviewed as to their feelings in participating in this form of instruction .
6 IF England could hold their own against Pakistan , it would not only be a great achievement , but one which would make all the difference to their chances of regaining the Ashes from Australia in 1993 .
7 This was widely considered essential to their chances of securing the office over the Socialist candidate .
8 In planning programmes of modules each student should undertake modules that add to their competences without having to repeat Outcomes unnecessarily .
9 During luncheon Peter Emmel officially welcomed our guests , paying tribute to their efforts in establishing Johnson Matthey in South Africa .
10 So they 're still , they were still keeping to their aims of achieving greater equality , it was just not absolute equality egalitarianism .
11 And interrogatories may be administered to determine on which of certain prescribed grounds the directors have acted , but not as to their reasons for rejecting on these grounds , and not if the articles provide , as they often do , that they shall not be bound to state their reasons .
12 Naked running was not unknown in the Dales and Pennines , where the locals would strip down to their shoes before leaping down the hills and fells .
13 Female brown plant hoppers send a signal to their mates by beating their abdomen against a leaf twenty times each second .
14 The law ought , in my opinion , to give relief if satisfied that consent was truly lacking but will require of signers even in this class that they act responsibly and carefully according to their circumstances in putting their signature to legal documents .
15 She had also read about old people 's homes that ruthlessly exploited their pensioners : unscrupulous proprietors grabbed all they could squeeze from the social services but gave little back to the residents ; they cut corners on staff , food , laundry , and amenities and added to their profits by pocketing the difference between their sparse expenditures and the sums they actually received .
16 Moreover , to those women long accustomed to playing a complementary role to their husbands in running a family business , the idea of natural sexual differences appeared both sensible and acceptable .
17 Aj was directing the action as though he was a producer in charge of a play , and Hugh , Mike and Debby were up to their thighs in stinking lake water ; Debby was fetchingly attired in green chest waders and looked like a cross between Jeremy Fisher and a model in kinky rubberwear .
18 A COUPLE who caused suffering to their pets by deserting them when they moved house have been banned from keeping animals for five years .
19 There is , however , plenty of evidence from contemporaries , as well as from historians , that not all husbands were drunken brutes and that many would willingly take a hand at quietening the baby for an hour or two after a long working day , or take tea up to their wives before leaving for work .
20 The duo took to their heels after getting caught — along with headliners The Prodigy — in a 20-mile traffic jam around the site .
21 If they were not washed in this way they would be a danger to their neighbours on returning to ordinary secular activities .
22 The males may also battle with each other , and try to entice females back to their burrows with beckoning movements of an extra-large claw .
23 PNP staff attending these courses complained of being told what to do but not how to do it , and of receiving dismissive or baffled responses to their anxieties about coping with colleagues who were reluctant or unable to accommodate to new ways of working .
24 Do you think , in fact , Michael , that , that parents actually can do harm to their children by insisting on being involved in their teaching at too early a stage , for example by forcing their children to read ?
25 Its primary objective is to ensure that bureaux and other independent advice agencies are able to give effective and easily accessible advice to their clients by providing a background of up-to-date , accurate and easily accessible information on all matters relating to rights , responsibilities , benefits and services .
26 The funny thing is alot of the locals shunned to use it because it was such an unusual building and they 'd got used to their habits of using deserted claypits and rainwater .
27 They referred in that connection to their arguments with regard to the residence requirement .
28 Two members of the jury threatened to sue , because the comments ( which were based upon mis-statements of fact ) suggested they had been false to their oaths by acquitting black defendants because they ( the jurors ) were black .
29 Others are working as consultants to their colleagues in discussing the level of difficulty demanded of children following a particular course or specific lesson .
30 So we can follow the history of life through the strata and trace the lineages of animals back to their beginnings by going deeper and deeper into the earth 's crust .
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