Example sentences of "to this [noun sg] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Now there is more to this passage than either the story that it heralds , poignant and memorable though that is , or the condescending tone of the last sentence , for the innocence Davin embodies brings to Stephen as a brute fact from the real world the missing half of a truth which Stephen has known but so far been unable to admit even to himself , and which will go on mattering to Joyce for many years .
2 It is fair to say that international organizations are much more sensitive to this accusation than formerly .
3 We extend it to this year as well as last ?
4 It was possible with work-card and booklets to give scope and variety to this work as well as necessary structure , and " the members of the team in their original discussions , will have built into the courses the skills and techniques they think should be learnt and practised by eleven-year-olds. " ( op. cit. : 8 )
5 The description of the Count as Alfonso 's " friend " suggests that there was more to this incident than simply the curbing of an unruly vassal .
6 ( Revision of the Republic 's constitution , dropping the territorial claim , is as vital to this island as today 's historic recognition settlement is to the world at large . )
7 I I going to weight of of criteria first of all , I think this very great weight should be applied to this criterion because obviously if you can not serve the new settlement satisfactorily then it should n't be developed in that location .
8 It was also surprising to hear that so many found it possible to stick to this diet when normally they found themselves lacking in the willpower department .
9 Conditions at Sullom Voe were considered to have contributed to this epidemic as well as to unusual outbreaks of whooping cough , scarlet fever , and influenza ( J D MacGregor , International Epidemiological Association , Edinburgh , 1981 ) .
10 All the same , there was perhaps rather more to this matter than initially meets the eye .
11 There was more to this canal than just a final obstacle , however .
12 And then the , the fourth thing there that Jesus wants to show to this woman as well , was that he wanted to break the power of sin in her life .
13 Her mother gave in to this demand because otherwise Kim had bad tantrums during which she had once broken a glass dividing door and on another occasion a dining chair .
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