Example sentences of "to be [adj] by [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The critic 's standing is thereby reduced , and the description or evaluation of the prize works is less than likely to be uninfluenced by their new position .
2 The leadership also has a new control , which makes it less likely to be unhorsed by its own interest-groups than the Callaghan Government was in the late 1970s .
3 Rachel said huskily , walking to his bedside and trying not to be alarmed by his appearance as she hugged and kissed him .
4 Friends such as Edward Clodd , who expected Hardy to be relieved by her death in 1912 , found instead that he was overcome with remorse for neglecting one whom he had once loved so well .
5 As for these general ideas , ideas of particular things , they come to be general by our ‘ separating from them … [ any detail ] … that may determine them to this or that particular existence ’ .
6 ‘ Very much , ’ she replied — well , she had fallen a little in love with Mariánské Láznë , and he was much too sophisticated a man to want to be bored by her problems .
7 The star , not inclined to be bored by his own performance , gave a slightly different interpretation every time , keeping the rest of the cast on its toes .
8 Maybe , if she appeared to be unruffled by his underhand behaviour , Luther would seek other means by which to destroy her peace of mind .
9 ‘ You have to remember , ’ Ellen liked to lecture Thessy and me , ‘ just how absurdly wealthy they all are , and how desperately the wealthy want to be liked because they ca n't help feeling guilty about being so rich , so we only have to be obsequious , give them loads of booze , and pretend to be impressed by their entirely predictable and usually jejune opinions , after which they 'll reward us with an outrageously large tip — which is , after all , the sole reason for being nice to the ghastly creatures in the first place . ’
10 One senses disappointment from Morgan : ‘ Watching them on video , you can not fail to be impressed by their repeated ability to get men behind the ball , which is the biggest thing in sevens . ’
11 Ten miles away at Ludlow you are bound to be impressed by its looming castle , the delightful mixture of Georgian and medieval architecture and the interesting museum of local history .
12 You 're not the first person to be impressed by her voice .
13 However , the most we could offer these determined inventors was a chance to be well-known by their peers for a week or two .
14 Like her mother , Eva was to be grey by her mid-forties .
15 It must be admitted that Château Meloch was a great deal better some years than others , and although it was often possible to be amused by its presumption , it was equally likely to be pronounced fit only for cooking — and on one occasion its only possible use was as a substitute for vinegar .
16 His Prince Hal is never a roaring boy : he sits hunched or sprawled , with dark unwinking eyes : he hopes to be amused by his bully companions , but the eyes constantly muse beyond them into the time when he must steady himself for the crown .
17 The two stallions who could not even do the test had previously shown themselves to be intelligent by their rapid ability to learn when they were broken in .
18 Calculations of the social marginal costs and benefits of cutting back pollution tend to be conspicuous by their absence .
19 She 'd believed herself still to be battle-scarred by her broken engagement and now was immune to such flirtation , but this man planed flirtation to a smooth , silky art she found it difficult to resist .
20 He never ceased to be amazed by her physical strength .
21 I never ceased to be amazed by its proportions and architecture and spent many happy hours during School holidays , sketching this wonderful building .
22 However professional and manly and disciplined the stance taken on their subject matter , English academics continued to be worried by their inability to account rationally for the intrinsic value , style , spirit , and mood of the literary work .
23 Ruth noticed that he stammered slightly , and appeared to be embarrassed by her presence .
24 But would he want to be contactable by his office or clients en route ?
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