Example sentences of "to be [verb] [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The answer to this question needs to be couched as much in curriculum terms as in assessment terms .
2 All our work has to be prepared so much in advance , because then all the sets have to be constructed , all the statistics worked out , budgets have to be agreed and so on .
3 Trouble-makers were visible by reason of their demeanour and I wished to be observed as little as possible .
4 This is due to be extended later this year , and should form a solid basis for Erato 's planned UK expansion programme .
5 Now , through the ‘ Choices ’ programme which is operating in three districts and is to be extended considerably this year , we are offering more and more staff the chance for career counselling and support from JS in improving skills and gaining qualifications .
6 However , spotlights need to be positioned so that light falls in the right place .
7 her work is certain to be exhibited elsewhere this year , so do look out for it … a real treat not to be missed .
8 oh he 's , he seems to be grown up all of a sudden
9 Time and time again your average punter gets ripped off by some incompetent half-wit whose main aim seems to be to sell as many boxes as he or she can .
10 We ought to be seeking to build on the quite hopeful developments , in the greater Beirut area anyway , over the last few days , but instead we appear to be getting even more dog in the manger in our attitude towards Syria .
11 She did so and I told her I preferred not to be disturbed again that evening .
12 PRISONERS of conscience George Anyona , Edward Oyugi , Ngotho Kariuki and Augustine Kathangu were released on bail on 14 February 1992 pending their appeal which is expected to be heard later this year .
13 The way things look now , Greece 's public sector is not going to be cut as much as it ought to be .
14 ‘ And is n't it a terrible thing to be bringing even more trouble down upon my head ?
15 He agreed to hand over ‘ the castles , holds and fortresses of Scotland to the cardinal and the said earls , to cause them to be kept by such as they thought meet ’ .
16 However , it has to be explained why this should be so , and what an emphatic effect is .
17 We are likely to be seeing even more of him on television .
18 The British contributed $5.3 billion to America 's pocketbook in 1990 ( only the Japanese out-spent us ) , and this figure is likely to be beaten easily this year : most U.K. visitors in 1990 were repeat business .
19 The duchy of Aquitaine was not just the most civilized province in France , it was also a region of great wealth — it would have needed to be to support so much fine art .
20 Endeavours to explain to a child the reasons for the restraints put upon him , may appear to be setting too much store on his intelligence , but this will not necessarily be so , for there is much evidence that adult training of children is very often obstructive rather than progressive .
21 Say , for instance that transport costs are high relative to competitors ' , but yet if the enterprise were to be run down this would cause large-scale local unemployment .
22 They seem to be buying up half Europe … ’
23 That is to say , if creativity and psychosis are found to be connected then this is more likely to be revealed , not as a function of the psychotic state itself , but in more subtle ways — for example , through certain modes or forms of thinking and perception which the tendencies to psychosis and creativity might prove to have in common .
24 Time and time again discussions about tears came back to the central theme of the wish to be cared for-not all the time , the women with whom I talked were quite clear about that .
25 Stage : All consultations have been completed and the plan is likely to be adopted later this year .
26 Yet affairs which , perhaps , appeared to be progressing well enough were not to remain so for many more years .
27 It leaves the moves of Neil Pointon and Steve Redmond from City to Boundary Park to be completed later this week .
28 In what may be the first of several similar moves , Alpha Microsystems Inc , Santa Ana , is to acquire the assets of the hardware maintenance division of MGI Group International Inc , a Los Angeles-based Unix integrator with 294 local service contracts , adding some $1.2m to Alpha Micro 's nationwide annual service revenues ; the acquisition , whose terms were undisclosed , is expected to be completed later this month .
29 The acquisition , whose terms were undisclosed , is expected to be completed later this month .
30 I 'm not supposed to be eating very much for lunch so .
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