Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 He lay in the bed , touching Emily with fingers too rough for her skin , wondering what he could give her that would even approach what he thought of her ; waiting to be gone to his own place .
2 It is strange how so many of Palin 's characters , from Pythons ' Mr Gumby through to the stuttering animal-loving crook in Cleese 's A Fish Called Wanda , seemed to be based on his father , almost as if he was persecuting himself by playing infinite versions of the man .
3 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) that the appropriate means of achieving fairness to an accused with regard to disclosure to the defence of material in the prosecution 's possession was a matter to be determined by the particular legislature , executive and judiciary concerned ; that although the Jamaican practice , particularly in relation to inconsistent previous statements , would normally be an acceptable means of achieving such fairness it did not extend to every situation in which fairness required the prosecution to make material available to the defence ; that where the prosecution intended a witness 's evidence to be based on his statement to the police and to deviate significantly from his deposition , the prosecution was under a duty to supply the defence with a copy of the statement before the trial ; and that , therefore , since the deceased 's husband and sister had given evidence inconsistent with their statements , and important testimony had been adduced from them which had not been foreshadowed in their depositions , the failure to disclose their statements to the defence constituted a material irregularity ( post , pp. 161H — 162A , B , B–C , 165C–E ) .
4 Since the defence must be given a copy of the statement of a proposed witness who has not made a deposition , it must follow that , if a Crown witness 's evidence is intended to depart significantly from his deposition and to be based on his statement to the police , it is the duty of the Crown to give the defence a copy of that statement in advance of the hearing .
5 Difficult though it would undoubtedly be for him I do not understand it to be said on his behalf that it would be impossible .
6 And what 's to be said of his declaration , as late as 1964 ( in Confucius to Cummings , the anthology he put together with Marcella Spann ) , that Ford 's insistence on ‘ the limpidity of natural speech , driven towards the just word , not slopping down … into the more ordinary Wordsworthian word ’ was ‘ the most important critical act of the half-century ’ ?
7 He detests travelling alone , he is impossible to clip unless doped , he loathes vets and injections ( ‘ We can just about get a needle into a vein now he 's sixteen … ’ and he has to be sedated for his teeth to be rasped .
8 He also knew that if Clasper was to be toppled from his influential position as plant convener — which was essential to the long term recovery of the plant — he would have to be seen to be toppled by his own members , acting in their own interests .
9 Sam was about to be toppled from his ‘ throne ’ .
10 He also knew that if Clasper was to be toppled from his influential position as plant convener — which was essential to the long term recovery of the plant — he would have to be seen to be toppled by his own members , acting in their own interests .
11 He goes home , to be abused by his wife for not being at work , until he tells her of his heavenly gift .
12 He exulted in the triumph of the new order now established in Germany and the new justice that was to be applied to his racial and cultural antagonists .
13 The unfortunate Doctor had been immersed and then lifted out , as he had instructed , for a blister to be applied to his spine .
14 He was remanded in custody and remained in prison for six weeks , unwilling to be treated for his distressing voices and persecutory beliefs and unable to give a clear account of himself as a result of his jumbled thinking and speech .
15 and until the end of his life he would not allow a word of criticism to be heard in his house .
16 That any Petitioner whose Petition stands referred to the Select Committee shall , subject to the Rules and Orders of the House and to the Prayer of his Petition , be entitled to be heard by himself , his Counsel or Agents upon his Petition provided that it is prepared and signed in conformity with the Rules and Orders of the House , and the Member in charge of the Bill shall be entitled to be heard by his Counsel or Agents in favour of the Bill against that Petition .
17 I 've become very fond of Ellis and I 'm prepared on occasion to be tempted into his latest hare-brained scheme , but I 'm buggered if I 'll carry on like Richard Hannay and his chums in a John Buchan novel .
18 It was this same Spirit that drove Jesus off into the desert to be tempted after his baptism , that pioneered the mission of the early Church often in the most bizarre , unexpected and ‘ unorthodox ’ ways ; that gripped a man like Philip , removed him from a flourishing evangelistic campaign in Samaria and drove him into the desert because there was one man who needed his help .
19 Sam had a one-word vocabulary and yet he found no problem with making it perfectly clear whether he would prefer to be scratched under his chin , behind the ears , or on his tummy .
20 He was due to be presented with his royal award by Prince Philip at St James 's Palace next Tuesday .
21 Grubb , a member of the team who finished second in the Los Angeles Olympics , rode Ever in the 1991 World Cup final in Gothenburg , but afterwards the 11-year-old stayed in Europe , to be ridden by his owner , Enrique Sarasola .
22 Dusty samples have had to be unearthed for his refreshment .
23 Pippin too now had new hopes in Francia which seemed to be threatened by his father 's rapprochement with Lothar .
24 When Philip is preaching in Samaria and the residents believe his ‘ message about the good news of the Kingdom of God and about Jesus Christ ’ , their immediate response is to be baptised in his name ( Acts 8:12 ) .
25 Perhaps the most poignant echo in the tale comes towards the end where the townspeople , laughing at John , " " kiken and … cape " " , " peer and gape " , into his roof ( 3841 ) , repeating the verb used of Nicholas pretending to be transfixed by his astrological vision ( 3444 ) : the " " folk " " here align themselves with Nicholas — and with Nicholas the trickster , not Nicholas of the branded bum .
26 ‘ It 's bad enough just knowing that Isabelle was having an affair with a married man while she was supposed to be engaged to his brother .
27 Every actor knows that whether or not collective benefits will be secured is not going to be influenced by his personal contribution .
28 But all the evidence to be gathered from his colourful career points to only one possible conclusion .
29 On the other hand , he received , even in infancy , the opposition that was to be repeated throughout his life , ending with crucifixion .
30 But Byrnes failed to appreciate the importance of Roosevelt 's personal standing in the Kremlin ( even Stalin professed to be moved by his death ) , while his own successful experience as a horse-trading domestic politician led him to underestimate the difficulty of dealing with foreigners — and especially the Russians who shared few if any of his values and assumptions .
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