Example sentences of "to be [adj] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Both NCp15 and NCp7 proteins have been detected in HIV-1 virions ( 4 ) and the generation of mature NC protein appears to be necessary for virion formation and specific packaging ( 5 ) .
2 Obviously , if vitamin A can be shown to be necessary for photoperiod detection by an extraocular receptor , it is likely that rhodopsins are at work .
3 Impaired β cell function in non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects was not accounted for by low birth weight , and genetic or environmental factors are likely to be necessary for development of diabetes .
4 By analogy to the testis-determining function of mouse Sry , the Y-linked marsupial SRY homologue is expected to be necessary for testis determination , but confirmation of this hypothesis will require functional studies .
5 A period of three years was thought to be necessary for census-taking and drawing up electoral rolls .
6 2 An additional may be added to the above areas to allow for circulation , ducts , services cupboards and internal wall thicknesses. 3 Since the accommodation will normally be free standing and at ground level , no further space is likely to be necessary for access and escape , ie communications .
7 Consider , for example , two of the conditions which are said to be necessary for Monitor use : time and focus on form .
8 Stored serum from this time has subsequently been shown to be negative for antibody to hepatitis c ( riba assay , chiron corporation ) .
9 Any other such applicant as deemed by St Andrew 's College to be suitable for admission to the course .
10 to be suitable for students of any age or level ?
11 Guidance was given on the government and academic organization of polytechnics : the system of government needed to be suitable for institutions serving national as well as regional and local needs , and to be attractive to staff who would be able to ‘ share fully in their government and management as academic communities ’ .
12 I can not imagine how it could be revised so as to be suitable for publication anywhere .
13 Letters to the editor , including agony columns , tell us something about the concerns people have , or at least which of their concerns are considered by editors and agony aunties to be suitable for publication .
14 The briefcase would have to be able to handle any live gig but would also have to be suitable for rehearsals and recording sessions .
15 We are continually recruiting gaming staff and we run our own training scheme whereby the recruit starts work as a slot cashier and if found to be suitable for casino work is then trained as a black-jack dealer .
16 To be suitable for food environment application a disinfectant must be odourless , of low mammalian toxicity , non corrosive and non-tainting .
17 Sections of the Grid which were expected to carry increasingly heavy loads ( such as those between the coalfield power stations in the East Midlands and load centres in London ) were to be constructed with wide clearances so as to be suitable for conversion to even higher voltages later should the need arise .
18 In many respects , the level of detail appeared too fine for an organisation where most internal communication was of an informal nature , and unlikely to be suitable for enhancement by electronic means .
19 In conclusion , we have demonstrated the presence of M tuberculosis DNA in sarcoid lung and lymph tissue and shown that archival specimens seem to be suitable for research based on polymerase chain reaction techniques .
20 The approach is particularly likely to be suitable for patients who are seeking help for social and personal problems , and should therefore be useful for many situations encountered by social workers , general practitioners , and those involved in marital counselling , bereavement counselling , and the care of adolescents .
21 Well actually I live just outside Shilton. erm they keep saying that it 's Shilton airfield , actually it 's not on the airfield at all — as you will know , Mr. Hayworth 's got planning permission for a golf course on the airfield — it 's Scrubs Lane , Shilton , and actually they 've already the Council have already turned down two applications for caravan sites there anyway erm because it 's unsuitable and yet they think that they you know that it 's going to be suitable for gipsies to live down there .
22 Although the book is claimed to be suitable for self-study , students would probably find it more useful to work through the material with a teacher .
23 It is claimed to be simple for users and hard for learners , to aid readers and to hinder writers , and to speed the reading of the able while condemning the less able to semi-literacy .
24 Alice has told me that that is n't going to be easy for Alex to organize .
25 You ca n't expect him to be grateful for things we did together when we were in love — when we were working happily together .
26 Defence Secretary Rifkind is reported to be grateful for support from the fourteen military minded Conservatives whose confidential letter to the Prime Minister was somehow left lying on a copying machine for a Labour researcher to find , but he is irritated by the leak , an insider murmurs that Malcolm 's notching up black marks for the future .
27 A psychiatrist who specialises in executive stress thought the fencing indicated that the person it protected felt an enormous sense of isolation and betrayal at the hands of people who had failed to be grateful for years of selfless public service .
28 That is n't the way to be sorry for people — to make them conspicuous .
29 Feminists have noted that it always seems to be appropriate for men to treat women as if they were intimates or subordinates .
30 Our results with western blotting contrast with those of Klein et al who identified a 65 kDa band which seemed to be specific for PSC .
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