Example sentences of "to the [noun pl] [to-vb] what " in BNC.

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1 Des transmits that he found me , and I say that I 'm going over to the flats to see what 's happening , but both Des and the radio warn me off .
2 By 27 May , though , things had quietened down sufficiently for a daring ( or foolhardy ) party to charter a steamboat from Batavia ( now Djakarta ) and sail out to the islands to see what was going on .
3 In large-scale national surveys , as carried out regularly by market research firms and government agencies , interviews may be carried out over the whole country and the people who have the task of making the analysis of several hundred or thousand schedules can not possibly be for ever phoning through to the interviewers to ask what some cryptic little scribble opposite question number 15 is supposed to mean .
4 I went to the doctors to get what was it ?
5 It will be up to the engineers to spread what resources there are as far as possible .
6 This has been possible because the phrase ‘ sufficient interest ’ is very vague and leaves it largely up to the courts to decide what interests are sufficient .
7 Get a book published — that is hard enough — or a TV play produced and it 's straight to the newspapers to see what the critics say .
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