Example sentences of "to the [noun pl] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Postgraduate conversion course — Such courses correspond in nature to the honours degree course for the conventional undergraduate .
2 Question 1 : What to the initials VHF stand for ?
3 Unknown to the defendants Y Bank was acting as agent for Z Bank , the plaintiff .
4 We would like to have access to the UK 's JANET system , which allows access and file transfer between computers nationally and internationally , to the BIDS information service , to the OCLC bibliographic data files for catalogue conversion , and to international information systems , to facilitate co-operation , collaboration , information and cost-sharing between institutions .
5 For the Paris 1925 exhibition , Bernard was technical director for the British government , but he achieved his greatest fame as consultant artistic director to the caterers J. Lyons & Co .
6 Emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides from lorries can only be cut by reducing the demand for road freight and not just by improving their fuel consumption , according to the consultants Earth Resources Research ( ERR ) .
7 The commanding officer , General David Thorne said that was his impression too , as the wildlife — which he had swotted up on before taking over — tended , like the inhabitants , to keep to the fringes A helicopter pilot said he and his colleagues were particularly careful about the albatross , not because of any memories of the ancient mariner but because an encounter with these in flight could be fatal for bird and helicopter .
8 Clerk to the justices Robert Whitehouse said the £400 screens should arrive within a few weeks .
9 We gave more funding to the citizens advice bureaux : the Government even tried to axe the NACAB grant , but had to back down .
10 The relevant form is 20 pages long and contains more than 50 questions , and the 1 million people a year who labour to fill it in often fail to do so or are helped by relatives and friends ; 100,000 go to the citizens advice bureaux for help .
11 Arthur Addis for services to the community of Culcheth , Warrington ; Alan Deakin , of Warrington , for services to fire safety ; Muriel Downs , managing director of Daryl Industries , for services to manufacturing industry ; and Harold Edwards , of Warrington , for services to the Citizens Advice Bureau .
12 North West MBEs include , Arthur Addis for services to the community of Culcheth , Warrington ; Alan Deakin , of Warrington , for services to fire safety ; Muriel Downs , managing director of Daryl Industries for services to manufacturing industry and Harold Edwards of Warrington for services to the Citizens Advice Bureau .
13 That 's what she 's supposed to do according to the Citizens Advice Bureau , is to control them so that she do n't annoy the neighbours
14 Lincoln University , and the benefits it might gain from a Barnes tour , were also cited in J. Carter Brown 's 24 January letter , now appended to the Orphans Court petition .
15 He took a prominent and active part in the investigations which led ultimately to the Mines Inspection Act of 1851 , and he was elected the first president of the North of England Institute of Mining Engineers , to which he subsequently read many papers , on its formation at Newcastle in 1852 .
16 Improv is likely to be migrated to the Windows PC environment shortly , says Mr Ingram .
17 Second , it ca n't support applications such as Video for Windows that build their own extensions to the Windows application binary interface .
18 Second , it ca n't support applications such as Video for Windows that build their own extensions to the Windows application binary interface .
19 Comdex/Spring in Chicago last week was for all intents and purposes a Microsoft Corp event , all the energy and sparkle belonging to the Windows World side of the house , OS/2 being a footsore also-ran and Unix not even showing up for the race .
20 A quick call to the personnel director Robert Dexter ought to bring advice and results .
21 With reference to Bob Giles ' gallery-targeted speech ( RIBA Journal September ) , it is my impression that the absence of a ‘ grand swell of opposition ’ to the Drawings Collection/Library proposals is largely due to the despair of the ‘ average member ’ in the Council taking their view seriously on anything of consequence .
22 But Miss used to take me out into here , to the teachers cloak room and and er er plait my hair up again and s say to me , I 'll take it out before you go away Isa , because there was It was n't a clean place in Kirkwall .
23 And we then return that to the Teachers Pensions Agency in Darlington .
24 In one of the firing ranges attached to the foundries Brother Artisans — who had once been hive-dwellers , too , before their transfiguration — introduced the new Necromundans to military bolters , flamers , plasma guns , melta guns , laser weapons .
25 Before the honourable gentleman goes any further it would be advantage really to get back to the boundaries Mr Graham G .
26 TRADE : The gradual improvement in trade has held for the first four months of 1993 according to the Builders Merchants Federation .
27 Cox is in no doubt as to the benefits o f such competitive opportunity .
28 No hybridization occurred to DNA prepared from Xenopus laevis , Caenorhabditis elegans , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , the parasite Giardia , or to the prokaryotes Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Streptomyces griseus .
29 A few years earlier a friend and fellow member of Brooks 's , Cyril Salmon , a former Lord Justice of Appeal , had put my name down for election to the Seniors Golfing Society , an English-based club for golfers over the age of fifty-five who met from time to time at a variety of attractive courses .
30 A few hours later famed attorney to the stars Jerry Geisler was called in to defend Mitchum and warned him to say nothing more .
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