Example sentences of "to [num] [noun pl] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 This is associated with albumin expression for up to six weeks compared with less than one week for equivalent monolayer culture .
2 Two trips were organised due to three pregnancies coinciding with the first dates .
3 During the 15 mmol/l hyperglycaemia gall bladder contraction was significantly reduced ( p<0.05 ) from 30 to 90 minutes compared with normoglycaemia and from 45 to 90 minutes compared with the 8 mmol/l glucose clamp experiment .
4 During the 15 mmol/l hyperglycaemia gall bladder contraction was significantly reduced ( p<0.05 ) from 30 to 90 minutes compared with normoglycaemia and from 45 to 90 minutes compared with the 8 mmol/l glucose clamp experiment .
5 If this rate continues , the total for the full year is likely to amount to 349 complaints compared with 308 last year — ie. an increase of 13 per cent .
6 For five nights , beginning on Oct. 2 , up to 1,500 rioters armed with rocks and petrol bombs fought running street battles with 2,500 police in the country 's most serious disturbances for almost 20 years .
7 For the uninitiated , this means that from 1500 feet will get you around four to five miles to play with depending on wind .
8 Extrapolation to Lothian gives an estimate of 250 children born to 63 parents infected with HIV through injecting drug use .
9 Up to 200 children infected with HIV , the Aids virus , by tainted blood products are expected to claim compensation from the Government .
10 An educational game in which up to four players compete with animals for a set amount of food .
11 This option enables you to view the identifiers and titles for a set of up to 20 Clients associated with a single Product .
12 LIFESPAN will display the identifiers and titles for a set of up to 20 Clients associated with the named Product , starting from the highest identifier or from the Client indicated by the Start client id , and a message if more details are available for viewing .
13 This option enables you to view a set of up to 20 Issues associated with a single Client .
14 LIFESPAN will display the issue identifier , despatch status ( Y or N ) and the Product identifier for a set of up to 20 Issues associated with the named Client , starting from the first alphabetically or from the one indicated by the Start issue id , and a message if more details are available for viewing .
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