Example sentences of "to [det] [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The range , similar to that they 'd had in Heymouth , was black-leaded , the brass parts gleaming .
2 If so , the outcome will be close to that we have described in the last paragraph .
3 Colonel Philips explained that they had thought initially that they had discovered a danger similar to that which had caused the Hob 's Lane disaster .
4 With no likelihood of progress in the dispute , it was widely believed that Yeltsin had cancelled his visit in order to avoid a failure to achieve progress on the issue similar to that which had accompanied the visit by the then Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev in April 1991 .
5 In the course of time the Mercian kingdom also came to embrace much of the territory , for example , of the Wocensaete or Wreocensaete , who took their name from the Wrekin and dominated the north Shropshire plain , and it would probably be the case , if charter-material had survived for this area of north-west Mercia analogous to that which has survived for the Hwicce , that kings of the Wreocensaete emerged in varying degrees of dependence on or subjection to the Mercian ruler .
6 In the right-hand path the proposition is that , far from continuously breaking new ground , most of the work that goes through design offices , etc. bears a strong relationship to that which has gone before .
7 The principle behind the system of graded tests is not dissimilar to that which has inspired the introduction of GCSE .
8 While the trio are about to add another voice to their repertoire , this cut acknowledges a similar knowing quality to that which has become the stock in trade of the Pet Shop Boys .
9 This eagerly awaited in-house project promises similar acclaim to that which has greeted previous productions including ‘ The Duchess of Malfi ’ — ( 1981 — ‘ 99.9% pure theatrical magic ’ Time Out ) , ‘ The Double ’ ( 1986 Time Out Critics ' Choice ) and ‘ Timon of Athens ’ ( 1989 — ‘ One of the most beautiful shows I have seen ’ , Germaine Greer , The Late Show BBC2 ) .
10 The season began in January in Brazil and prior to that he had had only a couple of rainy test-sessions at Silverstone .
11 Frances joined us from PMD where she worked in marketing Bullion Products for two years , prior to that she had worked in marketing at the Financial Times .
12 ‘ According to this we 've to keep an eye out for anything — or anybody — suspicious .
13 To this we have added a third variety — repretitive contraction .
14 To this they 've added some irreverent lyrics , a penchant for unusual recording techniques and an impressive line in psychedelic guitar wig-outs .
15 A FUSION of pop and hardcore grunge that comes up smelling of the '60s summer sound , but to this they have fitted on a beat of their own which is well worth sitting up and paying attention to .
16 And so they came to a negotiated settlement by which the Soviets agreed to withdraw the missiles and the United States promised that they would not interfere with Castro again , although from that day to this they have maintained of course their economic embargo .
17 And so they came to a negotiated settlement by which the Soviets agreed to withdraw the missiles and the United States promised that they would not interfere with Castro again , although from that day to this they have maintained of course their economic embargo .
18 And to this she had answered , ‘ I suppose I can do what I like with my own money . ’
19 Prior to this I had used many strange concoctions for the hopeful parents to swim in , even a brew made with oak leaves .
20 To this he had aspired .
21 Prior to this he had painted The Death of Nelson ( Colour Plate XIX ) , again on a big format and based on a reproduction of the central group in Daniel Maclise 's mural of the same subject for the House of Lords .
22 His parents had been killed during the Berlin blitz and after being shunted from one set of foster parents to another he had run away at the end of the war .
23 This is exactly what this staircase is , and to get from one room to another you had to go down one staircase and up another .
24 At the beginning of the century , it was generally held that , in the absence of any contractual or fiduciary relationship , there was no liability for a negligent misrepresentation made by one person to another who had incurred loss by acting on it .
25 Okay erm so going back to these we 've got day s say stay play pray .
26 To these we have to add distortions in the response of the subject of the investigation .
27 Hardraw is a good starting point for Shunner Fell and Lovely Seat , the two hills that flank the famous Butter Tubs Pass , and is known to many who have walked the Pennine Way as either the end or the beginning of the day that takes you from Tan Hill to Hawes or vice versa , depending on which direction you are walking .
28 To many it has complicated the process of selling InterCity travel , but — like the airlines who face similar problems — it is a necessary tool to maximise the earning potential of high-cost equipment .
29 The Chairman then brought the Meeting to a close with thanks to all who had attended and an expression of hope that with the support of an enthusiastic and growing membership the Society would continue to prosper during the coming year .
30 In short , progress in the first years after 1957 was sufficiently gratifying to all who had backed the formation of the EEC , and sufficient to oblige other states to take more account of it .
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