Example sentences of "to [det] [noun] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 You actually have a sense of style , there are three different sections to that description and you have , and there is actually some repetition involved erm , by by starting each , by by this reference to the sight , the smell , the touch , and you have to , and and that 's the kind of sty stylistic element that you have to incorporate into your version and I put a note at the bottom too , that there are times when you ca n't totally update this kind of work .
2 a mi a very minor point that is that while we 're er carrying on these negotiations and I , I think it can be done without thought without er making the timespan from the start of this bypass , there is one minor point in that and I think it could be dealt with and , and that is the people of Brandon can see that , that the pedestrian crossing near the small roundabout in the centre of the town is far too close to that roundabout and they er believe that it causes considerable traffic hold ups and I see erm no reason why this pedestrian crossing should n't be moved
3 I would ask for some Kleenex , some razor blades and I would get to that word and I could n't do it . ’
4 ranging from when I went to Leeds to that seminar and there were people excited about the Festival and you know , two weeks before the Festival speaking to Jane in London , said oh we 've had a lot of you know and I said well I 'll get back to you in September and tell you
5 But when you 're going to that exit there if you get to that position and you have n't give a sig given a signal , that 's the point , just after the junction there at the point of the junction , to give a left-hand indicator signal , mainly for people waiting there .
6 on the thing and I said well he 'll have to be fucking stretched if they come to that door and none of them dishes and the best of it was the front door would n't open
7 It is designed to determine which features of a text direct the reader toward a particular perspective , how much of the text is understood and , hence , attributed to that viewpoint and what effects if any , the perspective will have on other textual information not attributed to the main perspective .
8 That is to say , the spin is either " up " or " down " with respect to that direction and it can never be a bit " sideways ' .
9 ‘ We 're goin' to go right back to that shop and we 're goin' to give my book back . ’
10 If we were to deliberately over-provide , then I think it would be difficult to put a brake on this once a certain level of jobs had been reached , once the land is committed , there is a certain certainty attached to that commitment and I wonder how that would sit with the er guidance on development plans .
11 What you actually do is you pay off the loan gradually over that peri period of twenty years , so you get from that point to that point and it 's , it 's sort of level to start with , you 're paying mainly interest off and not much capital , so when you get a statement from the building society , you still seem to owe virtually the same that you started with .
12 If they went again to that place and what they 've and got the same things ?
13 They would be drawn back to that table and its shining glass , nothing was more certain .
14 On summer evenings there was a sort of magical quality to that view and I will confess to you now I used to waste many precious minutes standing at one of those windows just enchanted by it . ’
15 The confidence with which I looked forward to that week and its promise of change , if not release , was undermined by nagging anxiety over the move itself .
16 Cor I bet that nearly deafens them when they listen to that tape and he 's squawking on it .
17 In her mind she went to that island and it was there that the ‘ shower ’ played upon her cancer cells ‘ and washed them away . ’
18 They were well fed and well disposed to each other and they could hardly be blamed if they felt just a little smug .
19 But st standard Dutch won on leadership but the other status items shows sort of scores that were very close to each other and they 're not significantly different .
20 Well she do n't , she has n't got , I mean Lee he can , I mean he 's getting A's in French cos he does n't , he does n't , he did a tape with her did n't he the other day , they actually spoke to each other and they had a conversation
21 We could n't get it forward properly , we could n't pass to each other and they had I think they still only had one chance second half and managed to squeeze it in to get a point .
22 However , this argument overlooks the fact that two subsets of input to flocculus Purkinje cells arise from bilateral labyrinths , which modulate out-of-phase to each other and which undergo LTD separately .
23 There are various competing accounts about how the different problems of the penal system are related to each other and what the underlying causes of the crisis are .
24 This was a soft seduction of her senses , a sensuous reminder of what they had been to each other and what they had lost .
25 Sutton 's energy and commitment had bound the people on the Wapping Post together with fierce loyalty to each other and their publication .
26 They were speaking words she could not grasp but now they were speaking them to her rather than to each other and their tone was sympathetic , cajoling .
27 If it 's man and wife arguing , or man , female arguing , and they 're the only two in this place , and I 'm satisfied that it 's gon na be quiet , and there 's no injuries to each other and it 's not gon na flare up , then that 's a domestic , that you can be quite happy with .
28 They were very attached to each other and I hoped that my mother could now look forward to a happy old age .
29 I have in the last couple of lectures erm outlined or tried to outline erm Locke 's basic decision erm his concept of how we as individuals are related to nature , to each other and I 've emphasised the crucial importance of this notion of how we are related to God .
30 They can write at home , they can write after school , they can read it to each other and I think this is tremendous benefit where they 're open with each other too and can discuss round the table and evaluate their own work .
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