Example sentences of "to [noun prp] [subord] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It would be an exaggeration to say that An Teallach is to Dundonnell as the Matterhorn is to Zermatt , yet mountaineers do come to Dundonnell because of An Teallach .
2 The interim government , a coalition of conservative parties , was bound more by common hostility to Bhutto than by a consensus on policy .
3 In Section Two , leaders Bangor have a tough trip to Down while at the bottom , RUC have a chance to close the gap on South Antrim when they meet the Lisburn team at Newforge .
4 The rest of the day was n't very clear to Benny because of the heavy cloud of disappointment that seemed to hang over the whole proceedings .
5 PAKISTAN captain Imran Khan ( left ) said yesterday that he could miss this summer 's tour to England because of a shoulder injury .
6 No wonder this part of Ireland felt a closer allegiance to Scotland than to the rest of Ireland over so many centuries .
7 ‘ The withdrawal from ERM and the subsequent devaluation of sterling should be of particular benefit to Scotland because of the higher propensity to export .
8 I think she would have a very hard time providing leadership , especially now that she is being perceived as more beholden to Washington than to the Filipino people . "
9 Fate determined that a short while before the businesses failed , they transferred the £10,000 to BCI because of the better returns being offered .
10 Those shares must n't be sold to Adam until after the flotation . ’
11 The legislative powers of the public water authorities have been highlighted by Mr Ralston 's case and a proposal by the Central Scotland Water Development Board to lay a 12-mile mains from the treatment works at Balmore to Cumbernauld because of an increase in demand .
12 In proceedings brought by the husband the judge refused to order the return of the child to Canada , on the grounds that his removal and retention was not wrongful within the meaning of article 3 of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction , set out in Schedule 1 to the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985 , since the father had no rights of custody ; and that , under article 13 , there was a risk that the child would be placed in an intolerable situation if he was returned to Ontario because of the lack of proper accommodation and financial support .
13 MV is necessarily equal to PQ because of the way the terms are defined .
14 He was more upset at having caused this worry to Lachlan than at the near-strangling ; and it had n't once occurred to him to draw his dirk to save himself .
15 The World Boxing Organisation yesterday installed McMillan as the mandatory challenger to Palacio because of the ‘ unusual circumstances ’ surrounding the defeat , which keeps the Hoko show-down still a possibility .
16 He used these to preach that kings are made , and can only be unmade , by God , to whom solely they are responsible ; that sedition is opposed no less to God than to the king ; that it is a sin not merely to speak evil of the king but even to think evil of him .
17 PAUL BURNELL the London Scottish prop who had played in 25 of his country 's previous 27 internationals , could not be considered for Scotland 's tour to Australia because of a severe knee injury sustained in the Cardiff match against Wales .
18 ‘ The pilot has just said we 're diverting to Teeside because of the fog at Newcastle — we 're taxiing out now , ’ she said .
19 Now it was on to " Ultima Thule " and we felt we were really in the far north , nearer to Norway than to the UK mainland as we approached the jagged headland of Sumburgh , ringed ominously with the chart symbol for a " rost " [ tide race ] on our chart .
20 ‘ The captain fed us bits of information about decompression and what to do , and after 10 minutes we were told we were returning to Birmingham because of a shattered windscreen on the aircraft .
21 Moreover , once the King went to the States there was no way he could ever return to Iran except as a parcel from the CIA .
22 These arguments against a prescribed list seem to me of great weight , just as applicable to Britain as to the United States .
23 They can do everything in two rehearsals , and they take to Berlioz because of the virtuosity of their playing and the quickness of their reading .
24 By February 1990 almost one-third of the 344,263 ethnic Turks who had fled in 1989 had returned to Bulgaria because of the unemployment and other economic hardship they had encountered in Turkey , and latterly because of the repudiation in Bulgaria of Zhivkov 's assimilation policies .
25 He says the developer estimates 80 jobs being created , with more employers being attracted to Darlington because of the standard of healthcare available .
26 He summed up the benefits of open systems to Harris as including a reduction in operating costs of between 60% and 75% , functional staff reductions of between 20-50% , software maintenance savings of between 50% and 60% and cost avoidance in the region of $250m to $300m , this being based on the cost per MIPS of a mainframe , $44,300 , compared with a workstation server of $761 per MIPS .
27 In the moments immediately following the arm injury to Craig Chalmers in Saturday 's international match at Twickenham ( see picture below ) , Dewi Morris summoned assistance from the touchline even before play had come to a standstill , while another England player also paid more attention to Chalmers than to the ball .
28 We found that it was cheaper for the four Europeans to travel to America than for the two Americans to come to London or Berlin .
29 EC Foreign Ministers in Brussels on Dec. 8 criticized Greece for allowing Greek companies to violate UN sanctions by shipping oil to Serbia while at the same time withholding oil from Macedonia .
30 He guessed they were on their way to Badstoneleigh because of the double bill at the Pavilion .
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