Example sentences of "to [noun prp] [noun prp] [conj] his " in BNC.

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1 Officers from Love and Co. were due to pick up goods belonging to Jim Sneddon and his wife in preparation for a warrant sale following the couple 's refusal to pay the tax .
2 My plan will give joy to some and satisfaction to many : satisfaction to Prince Richard because he can now join the king his brother , to Cardinal Bourchier because his mission has been successfully accomplished , and to the protector because he will have his nephews where he wants them — wherever that may be !
3 The mention of ‘ the light ’ echoes ‘ the star of tournament ’ which refers to King Arthur and his jousts .
4 Credit must go to Gerald Boden and his crew who turned out this machine .
5 Chairman , I have spoken to Kenneth Carlyle and his and he 's very sympathetic .
6 With equal determination , Annie was making it clear by chatting away happily to Ibn Fayoud and his schoolgirl friend that it would be rude to leave before the dancing had been under way for half an hour or so .
7 On 23 minutes Gary Peebles ' cross from the right was dropped by goalkeeper Nicky Brujos ; the ball dropped to Ritchie Johnston but his goalbound effort was cleared off the line by Kieran Loughran .
8 On 14 July this was superseded by a comprehensive grant of all the lands in Yorkshire and Cumberland entailed to Richard Neville and his heirs male : in other words , all the land in those counties which formed part of the Neville patrimony , as distinct from land which had come into Warwick 's possession from his mother or wife , and which was held in tail general .
9 On 14 July this was superseded by a comprehensive grant of all the lands in Yorkshire and Cumberland entailed to Richard Neville and his heirs male : in other words , all the land in those counties which formed part of the Neville patrimony , as distinct from land which had come into Warwick 's possession from his mother or wife , and which was held in tail general .
10 They were ordered to camp in a swampy depression beside the Missouri which one observer suggested had been selected ‘ for the express purpose of putting an end to Chief Joseph and his band ’ .
11 I place on record appreciation to David Blackmore and his staff for all their efforts in addressing these problems .
12 An advance copy of their new single , ‘ It 's A Shame About Ray ’ , has arrived , with the label wrongly accrediting ‘ Shaky Ground ’ , the B-side , to Evan Dando and his friend Tom Morgan , rather than Morgan and Nic Dalton , the bassist .
13 " You ca n't expect me to agree with you on every single thing , Papa , " he said , keeping his voice low so that it did not carry to Senator Sherman and his sons , who were strung out in single file on their ponies behind them .
14 At last the restoration was completed and R5868 looked as if it had just come off the production line , a fine tribute to F/L Peaple and his team .
15 Permission to manipulate human genes was given to Dr Morgan and his team by the Clothier committee , the Government 's advisory body on the ethics of gene therapy .
16 As I sat listening to Dr Bowie and his statistician talking at the press conference called to launch their report , carefully explaining the origin of the figures , I realized the significance of this news .
17 Finally , by a process which is not entirely clear , the Abbasid caliph al-Mutawakkil is said to have transferred to Sultan Selim and his heirs all rights to the caliphate .
18 He denied acting as a North Korean spy and justified his visit to North Korea and his discussion with North Korean officials as motivated by his desire to see Korea reunified .
19 My brother Brian and I watched the Shoan armies as they went north to give battle to Negus Mikael and his Wollo hordes .
20 In fact , thanks to Frank Whittle and his team , a solution was already at hand .
21 The Tilford Bach Festival continues to pay homage to J.S. Bach and his contemporaries in a church ideally suited to Baroque music , and a village little changed in appearance since Barbara Gregory and Denys Darlow had their inspired vision 40 years ago .
22 President Endara confirmed on Jan. 23 during a visit to Costa Rica that his government intended to abolish the Panamanian Defence Forces in favour of a civil guard force modelled along Costa Rican lines .
23 Keegan , who guided United to the First Division in the twilight of his playing career , has put the terms he 'd want for a three-year contract to Sir John and his fellow directors .
24 Keegan , who guided United to the First Division in the twilight of his playing career , has put the terms he 'd want for a three-year contract to Sir John and his fellow directors .
25 His party has now signed up to Mr. MacSharry and his basic philosophy .
26 I recently visited St Patrick 's Cathedral in Dublin and inside was a monument — 25 feet high by 12 feet wide — dedicated to Robert Boyle and his family .
27 Ronnie Noble , with CCG client Michael Fairlamb , presents the quality audit prize to Graham Sparkes and his team
28 The public welcome the way we are treating teachers as a professional body by taking the advice of the independent review body , and we look forward to Graham Day and his colleagues producing the kind of advice that we require about how our teachers should be rewarded .
29 It is in my mind that this last outrage can not be allowed to pass , nor can I longer leave the handling of the affair to Prince Henry or his advisers .
30 In November 1937 he read the script aloud to Martin Browne and his wife , and their reaction was one of " fascination and doubt " : there was too much description and not enough action , they felt , and so he began once again the struggle to elucidate plot and characters .
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