Example sentences of "to [noun prp] that i have " in BNC.

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1 I commented to Miklós that I had little hope of the New World solving the problems of the Old when it could not face up to its own difficulties .
2 ‘ There 's a parochial side to Scotland that I 've never been able to accept .
3 I started by saying to Harold that I had been told about his Honours List — I did not tell him by whom — and I hoped that what I heard was mistaken .
4 I thought , ‘ this will make the carrying of the tea to the remaining resident members of my family an uncommonly pleasant event , because they will all smile upon me instead of producing the customary resentful grunt when I stir them from sleep , and they will say ‘ Good morning , dear husband/father ( as the case might be ) , and they will reach under their beds for the gift-wrapped goodies so lovingly prepared and concealed the night before , and handing me their tributes they will voice their gratitude to God that I have survived so far , and will express the pious hope that they may be able to repeat such sentiments on this same date for many a year to come .
5 In his memoirs he wrote , ‘ It was during my visit to Bulgaria that I had the idea of installing missiles with nuclear warheads in Cuba without letting the United States find out they were there until it was too late to do anything about them ’ ( Khrushchev : 1970 , p. 493 ) .
6 I mentioned to Kirk that I had no intention of asking him about that part of the tour .
7 Two hours later I am mentioning to Tony that I have been to Tromsø airport more times than I have to Gatwick .
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