Example sentences of "to [pers pn] that it was " in BNC.

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1 Eileen 's commanding officer took them to a room and gave them tea , and tried to explain to them that it was better for her to remain .
2 Well , perhaps supping Glenlivet , thought Morse , or lying with some lovely girl under newly laundered sheets ; and indeed he would have suggested to them that it was surely just a little early to get too worried — when the night porter came through and asked Chief Inspector Morse if he was Chief Inspector Morse .
3 Since I knew that I was to have the privilege of addressing this seminar , I have studied with great textual care the document issued by the federation under the title Dear Fellow Citizen because it appeared to me that it was ‘ the brief ’ for what I was to say to you .
4 ‘ It has no name , ’ Sapan said , ‘ but when I told some other people I brought here that it had no name , they said to me that it was called Narnia . ’
5 And so , from 1958 onwards , these characters became my dolls , and their way , of life and the houses they inhabited became so real to me that it was quite a shock when I occasionally returned to the place which had started it all , Wood Green , near Witney .
6 It seems to me that it was the high-water mark of collective Cabinet government [ of ] the traditional type in recent times .
7 Even at the time it seemed to me that it was pointless to be vindictive or even to allot responsibility for such happenings .
8 Well , I 'd never heard this expression before and ‘ I ’ explained to me that it was another word meaning ‘ lesbian ’ .
9 It seemed to me that it was not only natural but positive : it demonstrated that he still had a relationship with God .
10 This was generally considered to be brilliant , although it seems to me that it was as much my father 's achievement as my own , and probably perceived unconsciously by him as such .
11 It seemed to me that it was wanting in every detail , but the objective facts are that I was five feet two and a half , weighed eight stone five , and had my fair share of acne .
12 R.B. Yes , another teacher mentioned this when I talked to her and I was saying that it seemed to me that it was a blind spot .
13 However , it seems to me that it was very important evidence .
14 And it seems to me that it was an improvement of the environment to have some decent public toilets .
15 that intrigued me because it did n't seem to me that it was to be eligible
16 When I looked at all this stuff , it came to me that it was very interesting that they thought of Beauty as beautiful and Cruelty as cruel .
17 When I looked at all this stuff , it came to me that it was very interesting that they thought of beauty as beautiful and cruelty as cruel .
18 Even Marie herself might have confessed to you that it was ‘ daft ’ : she saw how improbable it was , but in her desperate need for comfort , for attention and affection , she still believed it … .
19 Because I said to yo , I said to you that it was the same in Russia !
20 It seemed to him that it was all up with the Church of England ’ .
21 Later it occurred to him that it was lucky he had Moreau to vouch for him , otherwise his transparent interest in the fräulein might have made him suspect .
22 The father pleaded with the elder brother and tried to point out to him that it was only right to celebrate for it was as if the younger son had come back to life from the dead .
23 It did not occur to him that it was following the track of a mole , in the hope of killing it with a blow of its beak and then pulling it out of its shallow run .
24 At the same time she was so ravenous to talk to him that it was quite impossible to stop herself .
25 you 're thinking of direct costs , but erm , Phil was going to ask Jeff if he would chair it , and also if he 'd be willing , to be sort of editor in chief , of Eurofile , so that was yesterday , and I have n't seen Phil since , do n't know what happened with that and went to him that it was a briefing meeting .
26 Only now had it occurred to him that it was moving along quite different channels .
27 With a twinge of conscience it occurred to her that it was not often Omi got out ; a rare trip to the theatre or a concert , Wannsee in summer , or Potsdam , but in the winter she was trapped in the flat , passing long , lonely hours looking on to a street where little happened .
28 The judge accepted that he at least attempted to put to her that it was an extremely onerous document and made her liable down to the last penny if Eratex Ltd. failed .
29 It came to her that it was wrong to pray for anything simply because you felt you needed it personally .
30 Terms of Endearment had her wobbly-eyed and puffy-lipped for days , particularly when I pointed out to her that it was Shirley MacLaine 's performance which won the Oscar , not Debra Winger , for whom Oscars should have been invented .
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