Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [conj] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 We also have to provide support for the A N C for thirty years a banned organization having to start from scratch in a country where the majority is supported but having no party officers or structures in place because if we suspend support to them or reduce it it will be like having no support of them all this time and just when the bird is about to fly you clip its wings .
2 It was suggested that some existing pensioners , who may not have drawn the sum due to them on leaving the Bank , could now claim the sum due to them and donate it to the Fund .
3 Well if I know who they are and I do n't know where they come from I 'll just put who they are day I were talking to them and dash it .
4 They started to run meetings in the house for the wives of the clergy , where Ramsey talked theology to them and mixed it with a lot of humour .
5 But I think I 'd actually like to support that idea , I think we ought to er er write back to them and say it 's a splendid idea , erm let's have more of it and and thank you to the local government commission for s er seeing to this after a hundred years .
6 Oh you 'll dro If you write to i If you write to them and drop it in that 's fine then .
7 This really is committee work but I , it does occur to me that mention it that erm , if in our advertising we point out that we have a car park attendant and if that car park attendant were to let one slip through his fingers me were , we may well then be liable to be sued by the person who
8 One : that you were sexually attracted to me but fighting it .
9 GENEVIEVE CAUDEN : The professor came to me and said it was alright because the guy had shot himself , but I could n't move .
10 I got the tastiest bird in the place and all that and er she spun it and spun it back to me and spun it .
11 I think it 's the way he looks , like , if you know what I mean , you know like pull his face and like , look over glasses , I mean , he did it to me when did it to Johnny .
12 When he saw on television the public cheering me and reaching out to shake my hand , he said , ‘ You know , it 's not everyone who says ‘ well done ’ to you that means it .
13 I could lend it to you but got it at the moment you know .
14 Now , you 'll recall that last week I was talking about Darwin 's basic concept and I tried to explain it to you and to illustrate it to you .
15 You can get it by post at three pounds fifty by post , send a cheque or postal order made payable to the B B C for three pounds fifty , we 'll sent it b , I 'll send it by post to you and send it to Afternoon Special , , Derby , Leicester , Lincoln or Nottingham if you want the Good Old Days Quiz Book by post .
16 Ask , and it shall be given you ; seek , and ye shall find ; knock , and it shall be opened unto you ; For every one that asketh receiveth ; and he that seeketh findeth ; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened .
17 He that seeks , finds , to him that knocks it will be opened .
18 He was on his feet , holding out his hand to Nick who went to him and took it trustingly .
19 It made him look boyish and oddly vulnerable , and for one crazy moment , she had to stifle an impulse to go to him and smooth it down .
20 Each member of the class is asked to think quietly : " Listen to your own thoughts for a moment or two " then " If there is something you want to say to him , go to him and say it now . "
21 If I was you now I 'd go to him and give it to him , I tell you !
22 Boniface wrote to Ecgberht , archbishop of York , authorizing him to amend the letter in any way he thought desirable , and to Herefrith , a priest , who was to make known Boniface 's views to Aethelbald by reading the letter to him and explaining it — Herefrith being one to whom Aethelbald was prepared to listen .
23 He did n't like lying to her but thought it inadvisable to tell her that there was no rescue ship hurrying to the scene and that , as far as he knew , the only other people who knew of the disaster were the NATO HQ in Italy .
24 She had a natural Slavic beauty , a good figure outlined by her tight high-necked dark green blouse — to merge with the forest — and more than one man had fallen prey to her and regretted it , if he had lived to do so .
25 He agreed and ordered Lady Kennedy 's counsel , Stephen Kamilish , to talk to her and ensure it did not continue .
26 He loved to lie next to her and kiss it and then to stretch flat and look up at her hips .
27 Iris grabbed the hand nearest to her and squeezed it .
28 Oh , what a pity could n't get somebody to talk to her and have it recorded .
29 I 've done that to mine and put it on pause and er you know missed out about half an hours conversation .
30 This is true whether you are reading poetry , listening to it or writing it .
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