Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The differences in political culture have thus produced somewhat different constitutions , but the attachment to them is similar in the two countries .
2 There is little mechanical cultivation of terraces as they are small and access to them is difficult for machinery .
3 the problems and Christian Aid 's approach to them were similar in secondary and primary schools .
4 is not generally known to those persons who are accustomed or would be likely to deal in those securities but which would if it were generally known to them be likely to materially affect the price of those securities .
5 When you know them better , by all means invite them to a party meeting but do n't let your attitude to them be dependent on their political philosophy .
6 And I ca n't see that what she said to me is any of your business . ’
7 I do n't know whether it affects anyone else but what happened to me was that for the first time in my adult life I began to feel part of a community .
8 It had taken only a moment of time ; and in a certain sense everything else that had ever happened to me was insignificant in comparison .
9 That to me was one of the most rewarding moments over and above when we got into the big game against New Zealand .
10 I remarked on what to me was exotic to the doctor over a hasty breakfast of coffee , bread and cheese .
11 you 're you 're not concentrating so you need to concentrate a bit on making sure that you finish off like you know somebody 's somebody 's passed to you 're right in front of the goal all you 've got to do is tap it in and you think , Oh anyone could do this which foot should I no problem
12 Focusing in on social services , the points that I wanted to make to start er , to you were first of all the complexity of the community care situation , and you have a separate paper on that which Mr will be going through you , going through with you in detail .
13 For Hilton openness to the reality of the dark shadows of the inner world carries a promise of life more exciting than the glare of everyday physical reality " so shynende and so confortable to hem are blynde in knowynge of gostly " ( 25.92r. – 238 ) .
14 Apparently according to we are supposed to grain free t certificates .
15 now it 's got big shops they 're , they 're to they 're top of the range and all now .
16 To take the title of the book from Lord Carbery 's residence and to dedicate it to him was tactless in the extreme , for Carbery , as a former Royalist , was forbidden to keep a chaplain or tutor .
17 But the one type of legal relationship closed to her is that in which sex is an ‘ essential determinant ’ .
18 His devotion to her is evident in the letters he wrote whenever they were separated .
19 The level of equality in society is very closely related to it 's level of productivity .
20 They 're supposed to It 's supposed to be written written down in the in the book .
21 It is now necessary to examine briefly this problem and how it was coped with , as reference to it is unavoidable in subsequent chapters .
22 • The patient 's perception of his environment and his response to it is likely to be grossly reduced , since he might be unconscious or paralysed , for example .
23 The functions now being attributed to it are appropriate to a non-specific defence protein generated during inflammation and truma .
24 More details of the SFEP appeal and of how contributions can be made to it are available from Michèle Clarke , .
25 Maybe it goes back to it being OK for a woman to show feelings , but not for a man .
26 The self Burman presents to us is that of the postmodern subjectivity , fractured , fragmented , multi-layered , vibrant and dynamic .
27 He also explains that the reason he is happy to accept minimum portfolios of £25,000 is because ‘ time and time again , small investors who come to us are pleased with the service and come back five or ten years later ’ , having inherited substantial sums .
28 Our reactions to the death of someone close to us are particular to us and to our relationship with them .
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