Example sentences of "to [noun pl] of [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Small farms were assigned to sons of noblemen and promising warriors , on condition they reported annually for military service .
2 Section 6 applies to contracts of sale and hire purchase and provides that liability for breach of the implied terms concerned with ( 1 ) compliance with description , ( 2 ) merchantable quality , ( 3 ) fitness for purpose and ( 4 ) correspondence with sample can never be excluded or restricted where the buyer deals as a consumer .
3 The drafter must have a clear idea of what the terms are intended to achieve ; broadly , he/she must have ( 1 ) a sound grasp of the relevant law applying to contracts of supply and ( 2 ) a clear understanding of the nature of the client 's business and the client 's particular needs .
4 No-one can have shown Americans round cities such as London , Brighton or Bristol and not been subjected to gasps of horror when they see the depredation wrought on them by ill-sited high buildings and demolished streets .
5 17.5 These points are relevant both to programmes of study and to assessment , since they show that linguistic forms can not be corrected or assessed independently of their purpose .
6 In addition , the breakdown of inner-city consensus may lead to patterns of usage that are less predictable by linguistic rule or by sociolinguistic pattern .
7 Much of the ill health and untimely mortality that befalls mothers and very young children in developing countries is directly attributable to patterns of reproduction and family size .
8 In his analysis , this relates to patterns of negotiation and conflict adjudication within political systems .
9 Although there has probably been a long-term decline in serious violence in Europe over the past several centuries , the relationship of this trend to patterns of theft and other property crime , or to broad forces of social change , remains obscure .
10 Nowadays , it 's probably the only profession that enables you to spend time close to birds of prey and watch them in action .
11 Out of the above ideas several factors emerge that are common both to accounts of perception and to strategies for enhancing appraisal .
12 It pointed out that it is bound by a constitution which limits its work to prisoners of conscience and the abolition of torture and the death penalty .
13 He assumed , without argument , that science , as exemplified by physics , is superior to forms of knowledge that do not share its methodological characteristics .
14 Gargrave is the home of Johnson & Johnson of babies ' bottoms fame and is also a good stopping point for a traveller on the Pennine Way , for there is a wonderful cafe here known to generations of walkers and cyclists at the very spot where the Way crosses the busy turnpike .
15 And how can the irrationality of subjectivity , and its complex relationship to discourses of gender and other social relations , be addressed by a feminist psychological theory that does not question psychology 's conventional , unitary , purely psychological concept of its subject ?
16 A model system relates energy consumption to emissions of sulphur and nitrogen oxide emissions .
17 The directors of the target must consider carefully any commitment with an offeror ( or anyone else ) which would restrict their freedom to advise their shareholders in the future ( eg not to consider competitive bids ) as such commitments may give rise to conflicts of interest or result in a breach of fiduciary duties .
18 This could expose willing states to charges of being unduly harsh or lenient in their treatment of prisoners and open to acts of reprisal or terrorism from sympathisers of those imprisoned .
19 The Commission affirms the value of music for attracting potential believers to acts of worship and to the Church 's fellowship .
20 In implementation of the law Menem on Sept. 13 signed a decree for the privatization by June 28 , 1990 , of Entel , the state telecommunications company , and on Dec. 22 signed a decree for the sale of two state-owned television channels to groups of investors as of Dec. 27 .
21 For a long time the only way in which a truly selfless behaviour could arise seemed to be through a differential advantage accruing to groups of individuals that showed sacrifice in relation to their companions to a degree greater than in other groups .
22 Consumer psychology attempts to relate sets of objects to groups of people as ‘ target ’ populations , but , whilst it deals entirely with artefacts , it does not address the question of their particular nature as concrete material culture .
23 Payment on this basis is related to hours of attendance and does not encourage operatives to increase their productivity .
24 The RAF said : ‘ These days we have a different attitude to signs of stress and battle fatigue than they did , perhaps , in the two world wars . ’
25 Looks of admiration changed to signs of unease and bewilderment , and the chorus of ‘ Hear , Hear ’ was stilled .
26 Pneumonia during the prepatent phase may cause signs of dyspnoea and depression , whereas the presence of adult worms and excess mucus in the trachea lead to signs of asphyxia or suffocation with the bird gasping for air ; often there is a great deal of head shaking and coughing as it tries to rid itself of the obstruction .
27 Collegiality in management matters if its absence leads to signs of misunderstanding and discontent on the part of other staff , governors or parents .
28 Staff have previously been excluded from all tailormade leaflets due to reasons of security and ethics .
29 The second consequence of this unilinearity is that the idea of the standard is projected backwards on to states of language and society in which that idea may not have existed , or — if it did exist — may have been different in important ways from the idea of the standard as it exists today .
30 Use of the mixing tank exhaust system was restricted to times of filling and all bag house emissions were processed through a special carbon filter .
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