Example sentences of "to [noun pl] [prep] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Small farms were assigned to sons of noblemen and promising warriors , on condition they reported annually for military service .
2 The workers were members of the Federation of Free Trade Unions , and were carrying out their July strike threat [ see p. 39021 ] , demanding rights and recognition equal to those enjoyed by former communist trade unions , in addition to improvements in pay and conditions .
3 One strategy involved tackling the profession on its own terms , refuting statistics and medical claims that the acts led to improvements in morality and public order through a mass of published tracts and pamphlets .
4 The grass roots practitioner can play a major part in the process , by identifying phenomena whose investigation may lead to improvements in teaching and learning , and which may otherwise go unnoticed .
5 There are ample claims that reflection , proactive planning and a defensible allocation of resources lead to improvements in teaching and learning .
6 This linked the Channel Tunnel project indissolubly to improvements in road and rail links and included in a wide range of recommendations on , for example , economic diversification in the Channel ports , environmental protection along the scenic Côte d'Opale , tourism , inward investment , and education and training .
7 INDICATIONS that the economy is moving out of recession were provided by a clutch of reports and surveys yesterday pointing to improvements in consumer and business confidence and rising credit .
8 ‘ The answers are wildly varied but generally appertain to improvements in control and standard of service .
9 Section 6 applies to contracts of sale and hire purchase and provides that liability for breach of the implied terms concerned with ( 1 ) compliance with description , ( 2 ) merchantable quality , ( 3 ) fitness for purpose and ( 4 ) correspondence with sample can never be excluded or restricted where the buyer deals as a consumer .
10 The drafter must have a clear idea of what the terms are intended to achieve ; broadly , he/she must have ( 1 ) a sound grasp of the relevant law applying to contracts of supply and ( 2 ) a clear understanding of the nature of the client 's business and the client 's particular needs .
11 On 11 June 1992 the committal order was sealed and copies were sent by the court to solicitors for M. and for the local authority .
12 An MNP practising in England and Wales will need to comply with all the rules applying to solicitors in England and Wales , because both solicitors and their RFL partners will be directly subject to the rules .
13 The Danish model of combined heat and power at village level really works , with waste from neighbouring farms being tankered in , converted to biogas for fuel and , after processing , returned to the land as improved compost .
14 17.5 These points are relevant both to programmes of study and to assessment , since they show that linguistic forms can not be corrected or assessed independently of their purpose .
15 The relationship of these guides to programmes in university and polytechnic libraries is unclear , although a minority are produced as teaching handouts .
16 The problems arise from the need to apply quality control procedures to each of the various levels in the system , to interactions between levels and to inputs from central services and institutional context .
17 This is a fairly standard tenant 's covenant and basically acceptable , although the following comments are worth noting : Despite the landlord 's common law right to distress , some tenants object to the sight of a reference to bailiffs in leases and prefer it to be deleted .
18 Much of the ill health and untimely mortality that befalls mothers and very young children in developing countries is directly attributable to patterns of reproduction and family size .
19 In his analysis , this relates to patterns of negotiation and conflict adjudication within political systems .
20 Although there has probably been a long-term decline in serious violence in Europe over the past several centuries , the relationship of this trend to patterns of theft and other property crime , or to broad forces of social change , remains obscure .
21 Nowadays , it 's probably the only profession that enables you to spend time close to birds of prey and watch them in action .
22 The Wright amendment , named after a former speaker of the House , Jim Wright , permits flights leaving Dallas 's Love Field to fly only to cities in Texas and four neighbouring states .
23 Out of the above ideas several factors emerge that are common both to accounts of perception and to strategies for enhancing appraisal .
24 It pointed out that it is bound by a constitution which limits its work to prisoners of conscience and the abolition of torture and the death penalty .
25 Gargrave is the home of Johnson & Johnson of babies ' bottoms fame and is also a good stopping point for a traveller on the Pennine Way , for there is a wonderful cafe here known to generations of walkers and cyclists at the very spot where the Way crosses the busy turnpike .
26 Less than a third agreed they came by their fees easily , while half felt they made a positive effort to support and understand clients and 59 per cent that they respond very positively to requests for help and advice ( although these two groups of responses should be seen in the light of that ‘ distress purchase ’ attitude , where lawyers are unlikely to be negative when a client suddenly calls up offering business ) .
27 And how can the irrationality of subjectivity , and its complex relationship to discourses of gender and other social relations , be addressed by a feminist psychological theory that does not question psychology 's conventional , unitary , purely psychological concept of its subject ?
28 And I remember , one afternoon , going out with the whole of the rating committee , to houses at Eastwood and Beeston , and other places , and m in effect measuring them by counting how many nine inch bricks they were across the front and back , to make sure that , you know , nobody was subsidizing anybody else .
29 A model system relates energy consumption to emissions of sulphur and nitrogen oxide emissions .
30 The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 introduced new principles and procedures for the management of the rural environment embodying the preferred solutions of the National Farmers ' Union and the Country Landowners ' Association to conflicts between agriculture and conservation .
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