Example sentences of "to [adj] [n mass] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 For those doing other subjects an excellent place to visit would be the Scottish record office who have all sorts of sources from town minutes to agricultural statistics and they are eager to help .
2 You had different , different companies do the , do the job so you used to get say I mean th you get a receiver for that cargo , well it , perhaps he got so much for receiving that cargo , then that was his job then to allocate it to different people but he , cos that was another job for him which you do n't do now .
3 Or do the institutions of retirement , the social norms of limited activity and poverty , and expectations of ill-health and disability suggest to ageing people that they are expected to do so ?
4 And er they listened very carefully to us , in fact council of Kivanagh actually brought up a sample of the dinner they issued to old people and I , I did notice as soon as they put this sample on the table the opposition the c Conservatives and they still are , their heads bowed .
5 Many of these children do not have skills to relate to black people and they will experience rejection by white society ( Ladner , 1978 ) .
6 At the time of writing , synthetic insulin — which to the scientist is chemically identical to that secreted in the pancreas — can not be administered to diabetic people because it simply does not work ; yet pig 's insulin injected into the human body does !
7 ( S. ) 71 , this called for a delicate balancing exercise between the possibility that the offender might commit further crimes in this country and the harm that might be done to innocent people if he were deported .
8 We need to take extra care when talking to elderly people because they may not see or hear so well .
9 He spent so much time preening and posing and intimidating rivals and refusing to enter the competition before the bar became a danger to low-flying aircraft that he failed to clear a height .
10 ‘ I 'm doing quite a lot of work behind the scenes and talking to various people but I 'm not rushing into anything .
11 And the marvellous thing in Plato of Socrates , when he 'd been told by the Delphic Oracle that he was the wisest of men , he started off like a sort of good poperian scientist trying to falsify this and he went round finding people wiser than himself and he went to various people and they were n't any wiser , and then he thought ‘ Oh , the poets , they 're marvellous people , they know so much ’ , and he went to them and he found that the had n't a clue what they 'd written .
12 And the marvellous thing in Plato , of Socrates , erm when he 'd been told by the Delphic oracle that he was the wisest of men , he , he started off like a sort of good Popperian scientist trying to falsify this , erm and he went round finding people wiser than himself , and he went to various people and they were n't any wiser , and then he thought , ‘ Oh , the poets !
13 oh Barbados , but we have to seen if their teletext if they let us do , but I 've just talked to Jamaican people and they said their , their friend he got some contact wanting some order , then later on this lady says no it 's best thing to do go
14 ‘ I could n't live as close to other folk as they do , ’ he remarked to his father .
15 We were reminded that weather which suits ducks well enough can be more than cruel to other species when we found a dead bird on the path as we turned for home .
16 Conversely , is body size less important in male Weddells compared to other species because they defend underwater territories where success depends on manoeuvrability and because females are widely dispersed ?
17 Sixty-nine-year-old Mr Marshall , who has lived in Merrybent for 23 years , said : ‘ I want people to know how I survived as an objective lesson to other people that they can get through it .
18 ‘ I want people to know how I survived as an objective lesson to other people that they can get through it .
19 The other children do n't trust him — they do n't mind watching him being horrible to other people but they 're afraid of Gowie being horrible to them .
20 we was engaged , oh I have talked to other people but we was engaged in making locks but most of the locks , well they did do a , er wardrobe locks , small cabinet locks , lever locks but one of the biggest kind of locks we di er made was the locks for car cars and vans which , in them days , was was fantastic because most of the car bodies was of wood , the , the , the , the framework was wood , so erm the locks er were three or four , four by five er seven by eight and selvedges on them fourteen inches long , er bolts er the , the bolt mechanism would be anything from five eighths to an inch in di er er square with a radius on the end erm th there was er there was the sidecar locks which were smaller erm that was the sort of locks they made .
21 Uncle H has developed a fascinating heresy based on the idea that exactly what you did to other people while you were alive gets done right back to you once you 're dead .
22 the , it 's been put to me to er interview various people or listen to other people if they can tell me about
23 The points of choice have to be put to other people and it takes patient consultation before everyone can agree about the management plan for a school in which social , academic , moral and community developments all have their place .
24 Sex education in schools may therefore have most impact if it aims to discourage helpless attitudes , by emphasising to young people that they are in control of their own lives , encouraging them to see themselves as active rather than passive , and in discussing what they might do in the event of an unwanted pregnancy .
25 Erm , we thought it 'd appeal to young people and we thought it 'd be great fun , which it was , and we raised er one thousand seven hundred pounds .
26 It will be a benefit to local people and it will improve the view of Darlington from the railway . ’
27 It will be a benefit to local people and it will improve the view of Darlington from the railway , ’ he said .
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