Example sentences of "to [Wh det] he [verb] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 The scene to which he returned was very different from the one he had left .
2 The African colony to which he returned was regarded by the British government as ‘ advanced ’ — in African terms — which meant that it had made a start on the road to self-government ; however , the Colonial Office reckoned that the goal was still distant .
3 The gypsy clan to which he belonged was ruled by a chief , or ‘ king ’ , called Isaac Miller ; tradition has it that Billy stabbed Miller to death and assumed the kingship in his place .
4 The two leftish books to which he referred were duly reviewed , and I admit to have rather enjoyed undertaking the ‘ thorough cutting up ’ which he declared the Levy book to deserve ( it did ) .
5 The third section to which he referred was section 441(2) which provides :
6 The responsibility for the serious incident to which he referred was shared among several water authorities .
7 It was De Gaulle who asked me the dumb question in the van-his condescension brought him down to what he imagined was my level .
8 Old Eugene had never worked in his life due to what he said was a bad heart , but he never lacked in daring and was never afraid to take a gamble .
9 He also drew my Attention to what he claimed were certain impurities in the material of my Cupel .
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