Example sentences of "to [Wh det] [pron] had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Alison had rung to say that she was coming up to London for an appointment and could they lunch at a restaurant to which they had both occasionally gone when working at Brentwoods , if they happened to be feeling affluent .
2 Very few environmentalists would choose to engage in a debate about the extent to which they had either succeeded or sold out .
3 They were interested in an object to which they had not before been exposed .
4 It was in the interests of the Great Powers that they could not be held bound by a treaty to which they had not formally become a party while , as will be seen , a number of the exceptions to the classic rule enabled them to impose their will upon weaker entities .
5 I was not short of students who applied for help in the most distressing of circumstances : mature students with spouses and children , who had been denied housing benefit and income support to which they had previously been entitled ; landlords pressing for rent payments and students with no money to pay ; arrears of rent building up ; poll tax arrears building up ; overdrafts being extended ; electricity supplies being cut off , in some cases to parents and children .
6 Within that total ministers would bid for funds , but that total to which they had collectively agreed should not be breached .
7 There was , of course , a mortuary chapel — indeed Kensal Green had two chapels , so that Anglicans and Dissenters , even in death , could remain segregated ; but the dead had become divorced from the Christian communities to which they had once belonged .
8 It was intended purely to acquaint us with a field of art historical research to which we had very limited access and to give us the opportunity of establishing a dialogue .
9 This opinion required that the other party to the Mandate agreement , South Africa , accept supervision by a body to which it had not consented and which was not even in existence at the time of the agreement .
10 The Soviet Union acted immediately on Aug. 2 to suspend weapons shipments to Iraq , to which it had historically been the principal arms supplier .
11 In January 1340 Edward formally assumed the title of king of France ( to which he had already laid claim in 1337 ) , perhaps to make his Flemish allies feel that they were legally entitled to help him oppose their traditional lord , the king of France .
12 It was like watching a party to which he had n't been invited .
13 Besides , being so late in the season he did not anticipate any difficulty ; although there was something else to which he had not given any thought .
14 Stephen Langton , however , was consecrated by Innocent at Rome without the king 's assent , so that , although Innocent had acted within canonical rules , the king felt threatened by this election outside his court , to which he had not given his consent .
15 I do n't suppose there 's much doubt that Milton approached his marriage a little late in life with an intensity of idealism that must , to some degree , have derived from the high conception of the chastity to which he had up till then dedicated himself , and poor Mary Powell , just like Desdemona , becomes a victim of male idealisation and the unreasonable demands that it makes .
16 Chatichai had turned down the leadership of the party to which he had formerly belonged , Chart Thai , on July 2 citing old age ( he was 70 ) and political reasons .
17 ‘ Oh , be quiet , do , you stupid dog ! ’ scolded the housekeeper , slapping the animal smartly on his nose so that he leapt back down off the bed on to which he had just jumped .
18 He brought with him his own group of masons , and a letter of introduction from Humphrey Lovell , the queen 's master mason , according to which he had previously been working for Sir Francis Knollys [ q.v. ] , probably at Caversham House , near Reading .
19 He was expected to continue to pursue the broad objectives of the outgoing government , including regional peace in accordance with President Arias 's 1987 peace plan ( Esquipulas II — see p. 35441-42 ) , to which he had initially been opposed .
20 There was no point in past music with which he had to reconcile what he wanted to say , or to which he had necessarily to make reference .
21 But this was self-pity , to which he had never been addicted , and he must shake it off at all costs .
22 The style in which he lived in Passy was not a style to which he had always been accustomed .
23 Maybe there will one day be a novel from Amis which portrays the Patrick Standish of the Eighties — more baleful , no doubt , on certain subjects , nicer to his cat , surrounded by the monuments of the New Right and by the debris of the swinging past to which he had once been a contributor .
24 In the midst of these preparations — Richard Duke of Gloucester , his brother , having already taken Berwick and occupied the fortress — the king had been seized with a virulent fever to which he had quickly succumbed .
25 There is evidence that Protestant millenarianism , enjoying a resurgence during the civil war period in England , could provide a framework within which Bacon 's program for the empirical sciences gained an extra impetus — despite the fact that Bacon himself had been hostile to any religious movement that might threaten the fragile monarchy to which he had constantly vowed allegiance .
26 What seemed to me a golden opportunity came to hand largely through Pearn 's connections with the History department in the University , to which he had now returned .
27 Conrad argued that his pledge had applied only to the Senate seat to which he had originally been elected and , therefore , he was free to contest his state 's other seat in the upper chamber when it became vacant due to Burdick 's death .
28 It was not as though other people were speaking a foreign language , but rather as though they were using the English language as the basis of a code to which I had somehow lost the key .
29 It was holding a party to which I had not been invited .
30 On a taxi ride across the Clyde Valley — Hamilton , Motherwell , Wishaw going with my father to the psychiatric hospital where my mother had just been admitted , I was overwhelmed by the past , not just the place names that had filled my childhood when I 'd lived in this part of Scotland over twenty years before , but another past to which I had even less access : a prelude to my own .
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