Example sentences of "to [be] [verb] [prep] is " in BNC.

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1 And in a way , what they then have to be prepared for is people who are living into adult life because health for children is better — and this is true of many parts of the world , not only Latin America , but also Africa — and you 're going to have to find more jobs .
2 What we ought to be aiming for is more localised revolved estate management .
3 Because of the other legislative provisions dealing with repayment of various taxes it seems in any event that the number of cases where any principle of common law would need to be relied on is likely to be small .
4 procedures which are , do n't quite fit you , then I think what we ought to be looking for is a certain amount of common ground between your procedure and our procedure , so there is not something , you 're doing something completely different to the way the rest of us are doing it .
5 And what we 're going to be looking at is what causes stress .
6 Surely the best way for members needs to be attended to is for them to actually make the decisions on which section 's relevant to them .
7 Despite their importance , the emergence of the Franks as a power to be reckoned with is remarkably obscure .
8 But , in feline terms , to be stared at is to be mildly threatened .
9 An additional payoff not to be sneezed at is that lecturers , forced to integrate , begin to rethink their subject !
10 Without consulting Ann , he announced that the boy was to be named after is grandfather Tristram Pascoe ; and having taken that decision he went off down to the harbour to see if Gristy was back from the fishing and to crow over winning the wager .
11 And as you ladies and gentlemen now are thinking of retiring as I have done the least thing you want to be bothered about is rules and regulations .
12 The last thing he wants to be bothered with is having to deal with complaints from dissatisfied guests . ’
13 This being impossible , the next thing to be wished for is that , at every instant , seeing reason to believe as much , and not being able to satisfy himself to the contrary , he should conceive himself to be so " ( emphasis in original ) .
14 ‘ If you are a high-flier in commerce or industry , the last thing you want to be associated with is the closure of a hospital . ’
15 The ideal to be aimed at is to find the optimum way of balancing the costs of insufficient stock against the costs of holding stock ( tied-up capital , storage space , insurance , damage etc ) .
16 The first to be remarked upon is the close ties which have developed between giant firms and military contractors This is seen as of particular salience in advanced technological industries .
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