Example sentences of "to [be] [prep] [num] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Recruitment of top management appears to be through two circuits , but with a predominantly one-way flow .
2 To be worth two murders in eight days , Ascot had to be more than a mere gambling scam .
3 The try is to be worth five points while the drop goal will count for two points .
4 Even when it was declared to be worth twenty-one shillings in 1717 it was undervalued ; silver coins were exported to India where their value was still high , or to Amsterdam where they could be melted down and exchanged for gold , and Britain moved inadvertently to a gold standard .
5 Hell Hound on my Trail is given E4 5c and is said to be worth three stars .
6 Roger , Lord North , admitted that as a subsidy commissioner he had let men off lightly in Cambridgeshire : everyone was known to be worth ten times his assessment in goods and six times in land ; some were worth twenty or thirty times their assessments .
7 BP is believed to be considering two approaches , one based on a reduction in petroleum revenue tax that would raise the group 's exposure to corporation tax but open the way for an advanced corporation tax offset .
8 Each wing was to be of two storeys and providing two wards of twelve beds each with one of the ground floor wards to be reserved for mental cases and to have a padded room .
9 These appear to be of two types .
10 The patches seemed to be of two types : Nicorene , Nicotine Patch , Nicocheck , and Nicoban were of closely similar or identical appearance and on analysis contained only 0.4 mg of nicotine per patch .
11 The results were predicted to be of two kinds .
12 All patients presenting to the Westminster AIDS Unit with abdominal pain severe enough to require admission and with a life expectancy considered to be of three months or more are investigated in accordance with a previously described protocol .
13 On the farms where ‘ halls ’ predominate they tend to be of three sizes , large , medium and small .
14 Consumption by elderly people seems to be of three sorts :
15 It is only its subsequent accounting reference periods that have to be of 12 months duration beginning immediately after the end of the previous accounting reference period and ending on the accounting reference date .
16 It is obvious from his writings that Battuta was most impressed by what was to be for eight years his adopted city .
17 Under the threat of NT the current mood of the industry seems to be for one requirements body , a consistent set of requirements and one open system .
18 She was told that the charge was going to be for four days and Ganley was going to save the business .
19 We had a tea break which was only supposed to be for ten minutes , but the men took exception to this so we usually got a bit longer .
20 Yesterday Mr David Moores , the club 's chairman and a close friend , said : ‘ He is such a fitness fanatic that last year , when he was supposed to be on five days ’ holiday at my house , he was on my front lawn every morning doing exercises ’ .
21 these were to be on 2,400 hectares in the Black Country , 4,500 hectares on Teesside , a Tyne & Wear Corporation along the River Tyne and one in Trafford Park ( Grt Manchester ) .
22 ‘ You 've got to be at X Baths . ’
23 And this was not to be until eight years later — when I was 22 years of age .
24 When he checked , the number that had ‘ gone missing ’ was found to be in six figures .
25 McLeish glanced at the clock on Yeo 's desk and saw that he was running behind ti me , as tended to happen at this stage in an investigation when you needed to be in six places at once .
26 So it is definitely possible to distinguish between faith , doubt and unbelief in theory ( to believe is to be in one mind , to disbelieve is to be in another and to doubt is to be in two minds ) .
27 To be in doubt is to be in two minds , to be caught between two worlds , to be suspended between a desire to affirm and a desire to negate .
28 They were not to be in two minds .
29 This time she seemed to be in two minds about what to do .
30 Gordon appeared to be in two minds about the chances of Four Trix who is doubtful after pulling up slightly sore recently and is rated only 50–50 to run .
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