Example sentences of "to [pos pn] [noun sg] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My stomach turned over as I watched the ball heading for the out-of-bounds , but to my relief it looked as though it had stayed in , even if it seemed in an awful spot .
2 The Tirpitz book , Menace , also did well , and was illustrated with more than a hundred photographs and copies of relevant Ultra signals decrypted from the Enigma machines and now in the Public Records Office at Kew : to my surprise it has brought in more royalties from the Public Lending Right scheme than any other book I have written , including 10 Rillington Place .
3 But suddenly it turned and galloped at the house and to my horror it leapt gigantically up and straight at me with bared teeth .
4 It was a song or a poem — I do n't know which but to my knowledge it has never been published — which was called ‘ Beautiful Angie ’ , and I clicked immediately and realised there had been another woman about the house .
5 Well the short answer is it to my mind it does n't impose any restraint at all .
6 But to my mind it 's got the thing the wrong way round .
7 But have they always been able to machine it Norm I mean to my mind it 's always been sort of , you know , you buy , whatever they are like for afters and that and that 's how you use them to make your garden shed or whatever
8 It is an eye-catching portrait of twisted repression , but to my mind it fails to conveys the essentially diabolic nature of Iago 's negativity .
9 To my father it sounded very much like hard work , and that was most acceptable .
10 To my consternation it included the name of Mr Kagan , with whom I was not anxious to resume an acquaintance , not because of what happened afterwards but because of what had happened in my office .
11 The fisheries minister , Thorsteinn Pálsson , justified the move on the grounds that the IWC had in recent years concentrated exclusively on conservation aspects of whaling , while according to its charter it had a twofold task of both conserving and exploiting whales .
12 She has no sense of her own sexuality — which stimulates the clerk — or of the value of her sexuality : though promised to her husband it becomes an easy counter to pay on the threat of being changed into an animal .
13 To their right it ended abruptly , only yards from where they stood , at an ornate cast-iron gate set into a wall .
14 The essay , on ‘ The Dangers of Smoking ’ , had cost Hank a number of Sundays of hard work , and he estimated that he must have smoked at least eight packs of cigarettes while writing it , but to his astonishment it had won him a hundred dollars .
15 To his generation it had always been war , ration books , belt tightening and general hardship .
16 In the week or so since he 'd returned to his studio it had once again become a place of work : the air pungent with the smell of paint and turpentine , the burned-down butts of cigarettes left on every available shelf and plate .
17 It sill shows the damage inflicted by Maj von Keller with an axe behind a barn at Quatre Bras ; to his disappointment it contained only dishes and toilet articles , not the gold coins he had expected .
18 Although it does not add to our profitability it appears to be what consumers want .
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