Example sentences of "to [pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] about " in BNC.

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1 First of all , this feedback , on what you were doing before coffee , and secondly talk about some of those markers and the speakers that been brought to my attention talked about with the other group , but not you .
2 She hardly spares a thought for the letter she wrote to her mother complaining about her foster home and asking to be moved … .
3 She was nodding politely on the fringes of a group listening to their host talking about himself when she heard a familiar voice behind her .
4 Like how do audiences respond to their joking complains about the lack of ‘ sausage ’ in Germany ?
5 Like how do audiences respond to their joking complains about the lack of ‘ sausage ’ in Germany ?
6 Last but not least , Keith is an historian who has frequently visited Mexico and it does n't faze him that I , as a Mexican , should come to his country to write about its artists .
7 A. H. Halsey , David Donnison , John Vaizey , Noel Annan , and Michael Young were among those whom he invited to his home to argue about the strategies and , but only after they had worked , to enjoy his hospitality : ‘ People become much too talkative if you give them something to drink . ’
8 And Duke William , they tell me , is being kept too busy hanging on to his dukedom to worry about the crown he 's been promised . ’
9 Suppose an intrepid astronaut on the surface of the collapsing star , collapsing inward with it , sent a signal every second , according to his watch , to his spaceship orbiting about the star .
10 An unemployed actor went to his agent to complain about his agent not having found him any work in months .
11 The day she had come to his house to talk about her daughter 's problem he had felt much closer to her .
12 He had thought that he might slip in for a quick snack that would keep body and soul together before he went back to his room to brood about the situation that he had handled so badly .
13 Seb could have gone to the Hankses ' cottage and perhaps worked on his learning with Carrie , but that would have meant paying a visit to Anna in her sick room and listening to his mother chatting about the plans for the wedding .
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