Example sentences of "to [pos pn] [noun] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Peggy who lives next door to my grandma told us she 's in hospital .
2 Tim Pigott-Smith and his team have not to my mind found them .
3 And I had to my satisfaction traced it back to Jules and Boris [ Yul 's grandfather and father , both of whom deserted their families ] . ’
4 Her response to its beauty alarmed her .
5 Odette found she lost three stone keeping busy , then to her dismay found she was pregnant again .
6 The sharp edge to her voice reached him .
7 The narrow chink presented to her vision showed her the spot where the prince sat .
8 But at last she made an effort to pull herself together , and , dragging herself from the bed , she went to the wash-basin , where splashes of cold water to her eyes made her feel more normal .
9 In 1978 75% of those who wrote to their MP considered they had ‘ good ’ or ‘ very good ’ replies .
10 Owen laboured over the living , mending them as best he could , and over the dead , making them ready for burial , until he fell and lay like dead beside the last of them , but still conscious and aware , and Adam and some of those who had come with the priest to their aid carried him away and bedded him in quietness in one of the cottages .
11 And I looked upon the earth and saw a dish set , and workmen lying by it , and their hands were in the dish : and they that were chewing chewed not , and they that were lifting the food lifted it not , and they that put it to their mouth put it not thereto , but the faces of all of them were looking upward .
12 Susy 's affectionate and gentle nature eased it on the one side , James 's common sense and recognition of Susy 's value to his life made it easier on his .
13 He tried the door and to his surprise found it unlocked .
14 Only an appeal by Gower to his loyalty persuaded him to stay , and he was to have his best game of the series .
15 The Somali tribes , with whom he had identified himself , might well have rallied to his cause had he in this decisive hour shown himself a leader .
16 Only the fact that he rolled on to his side saved him from being brained .
17 Happily , Robben Ford 's ‘ 88 release for Warner Bros Talk To Your Daughter saw him cross successfully into the limelight .
18 to your Council did I knock on the door and say standing for the Liberal Democrats , they said well we 're not sure it 's the way we are going to vote for you , we may vote for somebody else .
19 Question : When you put that cup to tea to your lips did you think — that 's an award winner ?
20 How much of a difference to your family did it make that you were working , financially ?
21 At the little crossroads two kilometres north of Mailly , if you look to your extreme left you will see the lower edge of some vineyards one and-a-half kilometres away .
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