Example sentences of "to [adj] [adj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The remainder of Ireland became known as the Free State of Eire , but disagreement about that partition of Ireland became an inflamed issue within the Free State , and it led to bloody civil war there , after 50,000 British troops were withdrawn , in 1922 .
2 It may be argued , for instance , that the ‘ total wars ’ of the twentieth century , because they detach whole populations from their accustomed ways of life , and at the same time impose great sacrifices upon them , give rise to strong reforming movements even in the victorious nations ; and that they have in fact contributed significantly to the development of the welfare state .
3 As a dive computer it logs depth , temperature and cylinder pressure as functions of time , but by using different sensors it can also log up to eight other parameters simultaneously , and control 12 external devices like switches and relays .
4 The EC responded to some of these concerns by offering to increase the proportion of grants to loans ( in order to ease the ACP countries ' debt commitments ) , to allocate funds to short-term structural adjustment rather than to long-term aid projects ( to help ACP countries overcome acute balance-of-payments and other problems ) , and to relax the regulations on the rules of origin for manufactured products ( with the aim of encouraging industrialization in ACP countries ) .
5 They range from sites of long-gone timber motte and bailey structures , through ruined stone works to well-preserved extensive buildings still lived in and enjoyed by owners or tenants .
6 It has therefore signed a letter of intent with Noble Investment Co of Palm Beach to raise between $3m and $6m via an offering of securities to European institutional investors only .
7 Butler and Glass therefore concluded that the CNV asymmetry relates to differential hemispheric activation rather than to handedness .
8 That also means a commitment to private residential care as much as to local authority residential care .
9 They contend that the allocation of valuable property rights in information would be better left to private contractual negotiations rather than formal law .
10 The corollary to that sad case actually was when after we 'd moved them we got another phone call six months lad er later from this very lady who was leaving the house and moving out .
11 When , at the high point of the opera , Norma , the stir began to get into her stride with ‘ Casta Diva ’ , and George into his stride with gratuitous evaluations of the lighting and editing , a woman behind us brought a large bag of herrings smartly down on George 's bald head , with the words : ‘ Will yer for Jesus 's sake hold yer gob while I listen to that poor woman there ! ’
12 I need you to go back to that two-dimensional universe again .
13 His signature on the title of his copy of Virgil , probably written there in his quieter days at Jesus College , Cambridge , surely brings us much closer to that momentous day still celebrated in November and commemorated by the ceremonial searching of the cellars of the House of Commons .
14 We went to that other thing before . .
15 Mind you , she were close to that big dog though were n't she ?
16 Swap too soon and the program takes over and performs some miracle that pulls the ass of the Despot you just abandoned out of the fire and next thing you know the secret police are banging down the doors and hauling you and your family off into the night and oblivion ; the machine thereupon promptly declares itself the winner and it 's back to that fucking cave again .
17 She 's Miss Kyte , come to be companion to that evil hag upstairs , if you must know . ’
18 Except if your coming may release me from the necessity ever to speak to that old hag again !
19 The grievance was taken to the union , the union just say er told the steward who belonged to that particular pit there , right , just call the men out , that 's it .
20 She had her own chair brought to that particular paddock right at the start of the day and never moved until it was time to go home .
21 No , quel , I think , it just sounded , will have to listen to that French tape again .
22 The Russian minister sent to Constantinople in 1724 was ordered to choose four students to be attached to his staff to learn the language ; while the establishment of 1779 for the college of foreign affairs , which provided for two students to be attached to each Russian mission abroad , allowed that in the Turkish capital to have as many as eight .
23 Conversely , and importantly , any contract notes , confirmations , valuation reports and , significantly , risk warnings about futures contracts or other derivatives ( or warrants ) must be issued to each indirect customer separately .
24 The pound fell almost a pfennig to 2.7880 German marks yesterday — just one pfennig above its floor in the ERM — sparking fears of new increases in interest rates .
25 A communiqué published on Jan. 23 by the presidency of the European Communities ( EC ) expressed a strong hope that " the Algerian authorities will undertake every possible effort for a return to normal institutional life so that … the democratic process will pursue a stable course " .
26 They look all right but taste bland and the filling turns to runny brown jam once warmed up .
27 One problem encountered was the expectation in some of these professions that newly qualified staff should ‘ rotate ’ to different medical specialties thereby gaining varied experience , a practice not possible for all the disabled professionals .
28 External Affairs Minister Madhavsinh Solanki resigned on March 31 after admitting that he had handed over a note to his Swiss counterpart , René Felber , requesting the Swiss government to slow down its investigations into pay-offs to high-ranking Indian officials allegedly deposited into Swiss bank accounts by the Swedish armaments company AB Bofors [ see pp. 35336 ; 35382 ] .
29 Southampton–Cherbourg ( Sealink Stena Line ) : 1 to 2 return crossings daily .
30 The real breakthrough will come when the pot plants grown from rainforest seed are sold as such — when customers in down- town LA choose their purchases for the help they give to commercial community-based conservation as much as for their leaf colours .
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